Blatant Shock

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   I walked up to my locker as the first bell of the day rang out through the halls. I began to put in my combination as the hall started to flood with students. I put my textbooks in, to help lighten my backpack.


I jumped, and looked over my shoulder, just in time to see Krys shuffle over to me. He seemed awkward as he walked up to me.

"Hey," I smiled, warmly, though I'm sure he could see the confusion on my face.

"I uh--" He paused, scratching the back of his neck. He wouldn't look at me.

The bell rang out again above us. I hadn't heard from him since he left in such a hurry yesterday, and was kind of starting to get worried about him. I closed my locker, and leaned up against it, partly facing him.

"What happened yesterday? Is everything okay with your mom?"

I immediately regretted asking him that. His face just went hard, he clenched his teeth and his eyes lost all of their color, and his face started to turn red. I stood up straight, turned and completely faced him. "Krys?"

He shook his head, and his expression softened, but he still looked beyond angry. "No -- I mean, everything's fine." He paused, staring intently into my eyes, he seemed desperate, and really wanted to tell me -- or maybe just someone that he could confide into -- everything.. He took a step towards me, opened his mouth, and a small sound came out -- .

"Hey, Kadyn! You'll never guess what we--" Maya ran up next to me, and realized I was talking to Krys. "Oh, hi there." She smiled warmly at him.

Krys was watching as the other kids walked by. When he turned back, I watched as Krys' face twisted in a dark fashion, and his mouth curled up in an unfamiliar smirk. He looked back and forth between Maya and I.

"Hey." He bit his lip, and looked away. For a moment, he looked almost torn, but he looked back over at us, with that same twisted smirk. "Maya, what are you doing this Saturday?"

I snorted, and rolled my eyes, thinking that he was just fucking with her, but when Maya let out an almost inaudible squeal, I glanced at him, and then back to her.

"Oh, my god. You're serious." I muttered.

"I mean, I don't exactly have any plans." She shrugged.

I looked at Maya with this gawd-awful glare, but she was too busy fawning over the all-too-gorgeous football player. "What happened to movie night?" I asked Maya, and my voice squeaked, but I tried not to show too much emotion. She shrugged, but still wouldn't look at me.

Maya and always watched some stupid sappy romance movie she picks out from the RedBox on Saturdays. I never particularly enjoyed it, but I got to spend time with my best friend, so I didn't really mind.

I looked back at him with blatant shock, my jaw to the floor and everything. Was this some sort of sick joke for him? Did the past week and a half mean absolutely nothing to him? The kiss we shared yesterday? Nothing?

His eyes seemed to tell a different story than his mouth. "Well, I guess I'll pick you up around six, and we can grab a bite to eat?" His voice broke, and his eyes were soft as he glanced between the two of us. He almost seemed to be in pain.

I crossed my arms over my chest, and clenched my jaw, just glaring at him.

She looked at me, and back at him. She fidgeted with the sleeve of her sweatshirt. "I mean -- yeah. Six works for me."

I grabbed my backpack off of the tile floor, and threw it over my shoulder. "I'm so damn happy for you love birds." I shot a death glare at Krys, and stormed off down the hallway. He reached out, as if to grab my arm, but quickly stopped, his fingers brushed the inside of my arm.

I was in awe, totally and completely in shock of his actions.

Who the hell did he think he was? What kind of person just plays games like that? I shook my head, and walked straight passed my class, and right out the front doors of the school, and to my car. I'll be damned if I sit through an entire day of classes with the two of them.

I threw my bag in the back seat and slammed the door shut, and climbed into the front seat. I probably shouldn't have made the decision to get behind the wheel in that state of mind, but I was too pissed to even think passed anything other that what he had just done to me. I threw it in reverse, and peeled out of my parking spot. I turned the radio all the way up, and rolled down my window.

"Kadyn!" I looked to my left, and he was standing there, waving at me from the front doors. I pressed the break and just sat there in the center of the parking lot.

"What?" I spat as he made his way to my window. I turned the volume down.

"Where are you going?" He asked, looking at me with soft eyes.

I glared up at him, and I felt my face stretch into a nasty snarl. "Really? That's all that you have to fucking say to me? You don't feel like you owe me anything? What the fuck is wrong with you?" He didn't speak. I stared out my windshield. "You know, maybe I was just being a total idiot, but I thought, just for a moment, that we actually had something." I looked back at him. "But hell, relationships don't seem to stick for you, do they?" I felt a tear make its way down my cheek, but quickly wiped it away.

"Kadyn... I --" His voice was a soft whisper, but that was all he could manage.

"I wish this could have been different." I whispered back, before putting the car in park, and driving off.

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