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"You wanna tell me what it was you two think it was that you were doing in Ms. Hasting's classroom yesterday?" Mr. Fielder asked from the other side of his desk. His eyes were piercing into mine as he asked this. "Do you realize the consequences we have at this school for such PDA?" The man looked furious as he started to go pink in the face.

I could hear Krys stifle a snort next to me, and it took every fiber of my being not to just reach over there and smack him right across the face. He sure deserved it. How could he be so stupid to not check for any damn cameras? And, better yet, how could I be so stupid to let him pull me in. I glanced over at him. Oh, yeah. I rolled my eyes as I noticed that same smirk he always got right before one of his smart ass responses.

"We were only having a little fun, Mr. Fie--" Yup, he was an idiot.

"Save it, Krys." He held up a hand. "Detention," I could hear Krys squeak next to me, now it was my turn to laugh. And on that, Mr. Fielder turned his gaze towards me, "Both of you," My humor evaporated instantly. "Tomorrow after school, don't be late." He sounded exhausted as he shooed us out of his office. "Now get out before you cause anymore disturbances." He let out a sigh as he slammed the door behind us.

"I was only telling him what he wanted to hear." Krys laughed next to me. He nudged me with his arm. I glared up at him.

"You think this is funny?" I demanded. Had he lost his mind?

"What?" his smirk was wiped clean off his face now. "You don't?"

I waited until we were completely out of the office before I let myself explode on him.

"Now. Why the hell would I be amused at the idea that you got us slammed into detention because of your recklessness!" I smacked him across the chest, "Oh my God. You have no idea how pissed I am right now." I could not even look at him. What if this got back to Maya? My heart sank as I realized what I was doing to her. "Do you not realize what you have done?" That question was more for myself than it was for him.

"Come on, Kade." He spoke softly. I felt the dumb boy wrap an arm around my waist. I looked up at him, sheepishly.

What was it that we were we talking about, again? I could not concentrate on anything but him as he brought his other hand up to brush my hair behind my ear.

My breath caught in my chest and I felt my eyes roll back in my head. But they snapped back open when I caught a glimpse of reality.

"Krys," He brought his face down to meet my lips and my heart took off. "No," It was so hard for me to push on his chest, "I'm serious, we can't... "

"And why not?" His voice was low and husky as he spoke softly, boring down into me with his lust filled eyes.

I looked around, even though the halls were empty because it was three thirty, I still felt like we were exposed. I felt like someone was watching us. I took a deep breath.

"Because, Krys." I closed my eyes as I let him push me up against the wall. "This is wrong," I said as he left a soft peck on my neck. "On so many levels," I breathed.

"How could something so wrong," he paused to plant another breathtaking kiss on my neck, "feel so damn right." It wasn't a question as he directed his mouth to mine a second time.

A shudder went down my back. "Where's Maya?" I asked, quietly. I instantly regretted my inquiry.

He swiftly pulled back to look at me. I saw a hint of anger cloud his gorgeous brown eyes.

It was quiet for a moment.

"Seriously, Kadyn?"

"What!" I felt my chest swell up with anger and confusion. "She's my best friend. You didn't honestly expect me to forget that over a spill of lust?"

He pulled his arms away from me as he took a step back. His anger quickly turned to pain. And my anger vanished once I realized what I said.

"Lust? Is that all this is to you?"

"What even is this?!" I asked quietly as he began to turn to walk away. "Krys," I grabbed his arm. "That's not all this is to me, alright? It's just," I swallowed hard. "It shouldn't be anything to me." He didn't move, tensing under my touch.

Eventually he took small step back to blatantly stare at me, but it was almost a glare. It felt like an eternity before either of us said anything. I felt like a child being scolded under his stare. I looked away, uncomfortable

"Then--" he was cut off.

"There you two are. Where have you been?" I heard Maya as she popped around the corner.

Neither Krys nor I budged.

"Guys, " Maya said after a moment. "You okay?" she asked, hesitantly.

"Everything's fine." he said through gritted teeth, still looking at me.

She was not convinced. "Kadyn?" She prodded with a hand on her hip.

"He's just pissed that he got us landed into detention," I turned to Maya with a fake, yet warm smirk.

"Detention?" She turned to face him, "Krys, baby. What'd you do now?" She demanded of her boyfriend.

I noticed that he winced under the term of endearment.

"Yeah, Krys, Go on. Tell her." I glared at him, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I shoved her into a trash can and she called me a dirty cunt." He turned to Maya now. "It was quite comical, actually." He said with a chuckle.

"Why'd you shove her into a -- You know what, I don't wanna know. Come on, we've got dinner reservations, remember?" She got on her tiptoes to give him a kiss, but he turned at the last second and she got his cheek.

I felt my cheeks turn red at the look he shared with me.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow," I blurted, turning to leave. I thought I was going to be sick as I rushed my way through the doors. I tried to hold it together, but, I let out a sigh, I knew that was impossible. And I only confirmed this thought as I felt an unwanted tear stream down my face.

"Kadyn," I heard Krys whisper softly from behind me. I quickly wiped my face, then turned around and he was glancing behind him nervously as he made his way down the stairs and stopping half an inch from me.

The breath caught in my throat as he wrapped his warm hands around my waist and pulled me in for an astonishing kiss. I instinctively brought my hands up around his neck. It did not last nearly as long as I'd hoped it would, he slowly pulled back, also breathless.

I dropped my hands immediately, realizing what I had just done But, of course, with Krys being the cocky bastard he is, his hands lingered.

My heart stopped when I heard her voice from the top of the stairs, "Krys! The reservation is for ten minutes from now, hurry up!"

He swiftly pulled me in for a big hug to make sure Maya wasn't suspicious. He whispered in my ear, "I'm sorry I got you detention." I felt a shock wave go through my body as he pulled back and shot me a breath-taking smile. "Coming, darling." He turned on his heels and happily hopped up the stairs.

I tried to stifle a smile as I watched him do so.

He was such an idiot.

My Best Friend's BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now