Golden Flakes

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I felt my eyes get heavy, and I was almost asleep when I heard the door to my bedroom slam open. I felt Krys sit up next to me, and I looked at the door with sleepy eyes.

"You lied to me!" She picked up a book and threw it at me.

"Hey!" Krys caught it before it could hit me.

"Don't you even talk to me," she pointed a manicured finger at him.

"Why not? What are you doing here? I thought you wanted nothing to do with her anymore, you told her that you were done with her. Why do you keep torturing her?" He yelled.

"And," She glared at me, "I thought you dumped him. So what, next to backstabber, you're a liar too? Come on, Kade, you're better than that!"

"I did dump him! I was done with him, but you still wanted nothing to do with me!" I wasn't hurt anymore, I was just fed up. "I couldn't take the pain anymore, dammit! What are you even doing here?"

"He was mine! Don't you get that? You took him from me!"

Krys started to say something next to me, but I couldn't hear it over my own voice. "He wouldn't have even known you existed if it weren't for me! Why don't you just get over yourself, Maya."

"I was never interested in you." His voice was soft and quiet.

"I don't ... I ... That doesn't even matter, you're supposed to be my best friend, Kadyn. Does that just not mean anything to you any --"

"I stopped giving a damn about our friendship the day you called me a two faced bitch and walked out on me, that was the day you walked out on us. I'm so done, Maya. Just leave."

She grumbled a few unintelligible words before turning and leaving. After a moment, we heard the front door slam.

It was silent in my bed room for a moment as Krys still sat in a protective stance around me.

"Kadyn ... I ..." He bit his lip as he tried to find the right words. He wouldn't look at me.

"Krys, I'm not going to ask you to leave."

His eyes snapped to mine, and I swear, they lit up like a Christmas tree. "You aren't?" He tried not to smile.

"I'm so tired of her shit. We aren't doing anything wrong, she should be happy for me, not trying to make me feel like garbage. I'm done." I shrugged.

"Kadyn, I ... " He smiled like an idiot, "You don't know how happy that makes me, "I love you." He leaned down and kissed me passionately. I brought my hand to his face, pulling him closer.

He turned over me, laying me back again, then pulled back for a moment just looking at me.

"I love you, too." I smiled up at him.

He bent down and kissed my neck, sending a shock down my spine, then kissed up to my ear, nibbling lightly, and I couldn't help the small sound that escaped my lips. He chuckled, kissing back down my neck, and across my chest just above my t-shirt line. He kissed me, his soft lips on mine, and seductively traced my bottom lip with his tongue. I slid my hand down his warm, bare chest, down to his hips and around the waistline of his sweatpants. He pulled back again and looked at me with cloudy eyes. I bit my lip and just stared back for what felt like an eternity. He slowly worked his hands up the inside of my shirt, pulling it off, over my head, sending shocks throughout my entire body.

He kissed down my bare skin, from my jawline, to my collar bone, to my ribs, then my belly button. He slid off my pants, throwing them to the floor. He looked back down at me before sucking at my neck again. I could feel him grinding gently against my underwear, pushing himself agianst me. His breath became hot and heavy in my ear, I closed my eyes, tugging lightly at his hair. His body pressed to mine with each movement, his soft warm skin against my stomach. It was making my head spin. I dragged my nails down his back, and I felt him lean back, I opened my eyes and he was pulling his pants off. I felt my breath catch in my throat, and I began to shake uncontrollably, which seemed weird to me because I sure as hell wasn't cold.

I began to freak out.

What if I do something wrong? What if I say the wrong thing, make the wrong move?

"Just breathe, you'll be fine, babe."

My eyes got wide, did I say that out loud?

"Yes," he chuckled, and there was that award-winning smirk that he wore so well. "You okay?" he asked.

I only nodded, biting my lip.

He planted a soft peck on my cheek before taking off his boxers. He bent back down and kissed me again, "Just focus here, okay?" He kissed me again, distracting me from the undeniable pressure I felt between my legs.

The pressure was slow and constant. My body filled with pleasure with each gentle push. I found it difficult to kiss back, I stiffened out and tried not to move.

I felt his hot breath on my face as he spoke, "Kadyn, are you okay? We can stop if --"

"No, no," I laughed, breathless, stroking his face, "I'm okay."

"Then, you've got to relax, it's alright, you're doing great, you really can't do anything wrong, okay? Look at me," He turned my face to him with a finger under my chin, "Just look at me."

I looked into those deep brown eyes filled with love, adoration, and a little lust. I focused in on them. I put everything out of my mind, just the golden flakes in his brown eyes.

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