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I glared down at my plate of partially raw chicken as I listened to Maya giggle across the table in Krys's arms.

"Oh no, you're definitely cuter, babe."

"No! Stop it! You are!" Maya squealed in response, poking his nose.

"But, I'd be lying if I said that, because you're the cute one."

This went on for what felt like a ten years.

"Alright, already! You're both freaking adorable, can we move on now?" I clamped a hand over my mouth in embarrassment.. Did that really just come out of my mouth?

"You alright over there," Jacey asked as the rest of the table looked at me in astonishment.

"Uh, yeah?" I ruefully glanced up and Krys was smirking at me with that annoying, yet irresistible crooked grin of his.

I felt my face turn a bright red as I got to my feet reaching over to grab my bag. "Just super stressed over this Chem test. Sorry, cramming tends to make me bitchy, don't mind me." I shot one last look at Krys as he was whispering something in Maya's ear and grinning up at me.

I left my food and took off out the door.

"Kay, come on, wait up!" Krys caught up to me by the time I got to my locker.

I didn't say a word.

"Okay, what's going on? Why are you so on edge lately?"

I turned and opened my mouth to respond, but he held up a hand.

"And don't give me that 'I have a Chem test later' bull shit."

I closed my mouth, biting my lip and looking back at my locker. With a sigh, I started to put in my combination.

"Kadyn, you can talk to me," he placed his hand on mine, stopping me from continuing, which -- undeniably -- had him violating any and all personal space conditions, "What's wrong-"

"Don't act like you don't have the slightest clue, Krystian," I swiftly slid my hand out from under his, "Don't act like all of this wasn't your plan all along, and don't act like you care, 'cause you quite obviously don't. We've already had this conversation, no point in rehashing it all again." Somewhere during my rant the bell must have rang because people started to flood the halls. I put in the last digit to my combo, opened it and grabbed my Chem book. I closed my locker and looked up into his deep, light brown eyes and tried to stop the tears from forming in mine. "Is this all just some kind of game for you? Going around, breaking girls' hearts, just for the hell of it?"

"No! That isn't -- do you really think that I don't care, Kade? Because that's not the case, Kadyn I -- "

Now it was my turn to cut him off, "Save it for your girlfriend." I cleared my throat and made my way down the hall.

"Kadyn, wait. Kadyn!" He yelled after me, but I only walked faster.

Shit. I have this class with him, I realized.

I sighed as I turned the corner to the bathroom. I walked in and sat my stuff on the counter. I placed my hands on either side of the sink and just stared at the broken-hearted girl in the mirror.

You've definitely had better days, Kay.

Sighing again, I turned the cold water on and washed the mascara off of my face. I dried off my hands on my jeans, and looked at my watch, and as I did the late bell rang. Groaning, I picked up my binders and took off to class.

* * *

I stared out the window as I fidgeted with my pencil. I was slouching in my desk. Not very ladylike, or even Kadyn-like. I guess that lately I haven't exactly felt like myself.

What kind of person plays this kind of game? Better yet, what kind of person wants to be with a person who plays games. Why can't I resist the thought of being with him? Why can't I get him out of my head? I barely know this guy, and yet, I can't help but want him all to myself.

And to make it so much worse, on top of all of that, he's dating my best friend.That should make me want to put any and all romantic thoughts about the guy out of my head. Not cram as many as I possibly can into my chest.

I looked over at him. He sat two rows over and up one desk. He was sitting sideways in his chair with his body towards the window, but he was facing Tommy, in the chair behind him. I just looked at him, all happy and smiley chatting with his skater friends and making stupid immature jokes, ignoring the teacher each and every time she told them to cut it out.

Why did those jokes make me laugh?

Is it what he says? Or is it what he says through those smooth, shiny, pink lips of his? Or, maybe it's when he flips that soft golden blonde hair out of his eyes. Maybe it's just the eyes all together, the way they glint in the light and shine as if they were relative to the sun...

It almost feels like they are looking right at me.

Oh, shit. I could almost hear the sound of all the air that escaped from my lungs. But, he wasn't smirking, like I'd expect him to be if he ever caught me staring at him. No. At first he looked confused, furrowing his brows together as he tried to consider the options. Then he shot me a soft, apologetic smile.

I bit my lip as I looked away.

I tried to make it look like the birds outside captured my attention more than anything else in the room.

Maybe it was the mixture of all of those things that made me want him so bad. With the way he looks at me sometimes, I feel like maybe, just maybe he might feel close to the same as I do for him.

But then, the only question is; why is he with Maya?

I looked back over at him.

If he wanted to make me jealous, he sure was doing a hell of a job of it.

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