Anastasia SS: How She Came to Be

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A/N: This is Anastasia's backstory, not as long as chapters since it's not as detailed due to it being a short story. This will also shed some light on Izuku's and Anastasia's current relationship, so make sure to read until the end.

By the way, hypothetical question, if the Gate of Babylon contains anything made by human hands, then does that include Frankenstein?

【♕ ❖✧❖✧❖ ♔】

(Anastasia's POV)

To say that my life was terribly hard is an understatement. Every day from before I was taken in by Auntie was arduous and unbearable. I was part of the 20% of the population who doesn't have anything that defines them in this corrupted society. Yes, I am Quirkless.

It all started when I was diagnosed as such. When my dad found out, he opted to abandon me and mom. It was messed up, and it was all because of something that I couldn't control. My mom simply accepted the fact that my dad left since she probably could understand why.

Dad: "I am not going to tarnish my reputation for that Quirkless child!"

He said as he slammed the door shut behind him, leaving mom to cry on the floor, heartbroken. I could only look on with sorrow as it finally clicked in my head that I was the problem.

The situation in school wasn't better, either. I was bullied by nearly everyone there. The teachers wouldn't give a rat's ass about me, so they simply shrugged it off while I was left helpless.

On the other hand, mom didn't take care of me very well even though she never laid a finger on me. She was a Hero so she was always away at work during the day. Even though she never taught me anything nor interacted with me much, she kept me well-fed, gave me clean clothes, and gave me a roof above my head. However, whenever she would look at me, all I could see in her eyes were grief and sadness.

∆ • ∆ • ∆ • ∆ • ∆

5 years later, my mom died on a mission. I cried my heart out when I heard the news. I honestly couldn't understand. She sacrificed her life for the sake of dozens of people, but she couldn't even look her daughter in the eyes. It was only later that I found out that she staged that disaster and an accident occurred, leading to her death.

Anastasia: "I see... She was a fake Hero... Always chasing after the glory, the money, fame, thinking it would bring dad back to her... When she didn't even think about her daughter..."

After my mom died, at the age of 9, I was taken to foster care, where an even darker future awaited me. The kids there would often bully me for being Quirkless because even though they didn't have family themselves, at least they had something unique to only them, a Quirk. Whenever I was alone, I always read books supplied to me by a kind foster care worker. She was always the one to stop the other kids from going too far.

The books I had read were extensive as I managed to educate myself to the level of a first-year high school student at the age of 10 and learned 5 languages: Japanese, English, Mandarin, Spanish, and French. At that point, I started to train my body so, at the very least, I could try to fight back against my bullies. Even though I knew that it would only get me into more trouble, I simply wanted to defend myself.

Anastasia: "What good would I be if I can't even protect myself? Relying on others to protect me would make me deadweight. If I can't do it today, I'll make myself do better tomorrow."

That was what I used to say to steel my resolve in order to move forward. Eventually, I beat my 5 bullies in a confrontation, which resulted in me getting into trouble. The kind foster care worker was proud of me, just like I was satisfied to know that pure hard work could very well make up for natural talent, or rather, Quirks, even a little.

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