Author's Note

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Thank you for reading "Beneath the Moon's Phases." In my head, Haben is really the funny and carefree Serese cousin. Everyone expects him to joke and laugh, so it's hard to let Haben be vulnerable. I hope I succeeded hahaha :') I also love how casual Becca is. But I need to close this book to open another one.

Drake Raphael Serese will have his own story but in a different series. It will be released soon. We'll wish him luck with his love life hahaha.

This is the 2nd installment of Serese Jewels Series. Each story can still stand-alone. You can also read it in no particular order. Next will be the story of Jimson Christopher, the only Serese cousin who did not pursue business.

Serese Jewels Series:

1. Memories of the Wind (Gab and Kat)

2. Beneath the Moon's Phases (Haben and Becca)

3. When the Cold Fire Burns (Jimson and Winonah) *up next*

For more stories, you can check my profile.

Until then,


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