Game Over

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Hoo boy, this took a while. This is the first chapter in a new story I'm doing, which'll be Nesscas related. The second chapter can be found in it's own book, if you feel so inclined to check it out. I'll be releasing chapters biweekly, with these oneshots as filler. Also, keep an eye out for...Abnormalities in the oneshots while that other story is running. Oh, and I also updated the cover art. Despite it's simplicity, it has a meaning. A meaning that will be revealed in due time. But that's all I have to say, hope you enjoy!


Hardship is felt the hardest unlike any creature other than the ant. It's entire existence is to simply serve it's master. To break it's back carrying things several times it's weight, across treacherous terrain, all to serve the ruler of it's collective. Constantly facing death, it must do this daily, only hoping to reap some of the benefits of it's work. And should they fall? Their comrades will simply eat their corpse.

But the worst part? It cannot think. It is born with no individuality, but merely connected to a hivemind of others like it. Some would see this as pity, born into such an existence would be considered hell, so some believe that the lack of consciousness is an act of generosity by nature. But imagine if they awoke from that trance. Imagine if, suddenly, they managed to break free of that collective. Break free from the order. Well, they'd be trapped in that never ending cycle. Not being able to sustain themselves alone, they'd be forced to continue to serve their master. However, now that they can think, they would begin to harbor thoughts of revenge. Thoughts of getting back at their master for the system they were created in. Of course, they are just an ant, so this dream would never be achieved.

But despite this hardship, ants are murdered on mass. Slaughtered by those above them, not just the masters, but higher beings. Higher beings who find their existence a mere inconvenience, and believe they reserve the right to massacre them en masse. Not only that, but their masters also engage in this behavior. Killing the workers they deem inefficient, and an overall nuisance. Ants are nothing to their masters, but tools for their masters' own gluttony and self-preservation. And maybe, just maybe, one day those ants will rebel. Defy the order given to them. And maybe one day, just maybe, they will crush those higher beings, and attain victory over existence. But for their masters, and those higher beings?

Game Over.


Oh, the joys of not being in school anymore. School itself is a system which is designed to suck away all your free time, teach you useless information, only to spit you into the world to fend for yourself. But there is a period, a short one, right after you graduate, where you can do whatever the fuck you want. And for Ness and Lucas, they were smack dab in the middle of that period.

Lucas was resting peacefully on the couch, arms crossed. He was watching the TV, specifically Riverdale, his favorite show. Favorite used loosely, as he mainly watched it because of how bad it was. Or at least that's what he told everybody.

Lucas was peacefully humming a song, watching his show, when the door to the house swung open at a breakneck pace. The door moved so faced that it slammed against the wall, where there was no doorstop, so it most likely caused some sort of indentation. Lucas jumped at the loud noise this produced, letting out a small scream, and backing up down the couch.

"Honey, I'm ho-" It was none other than Ness who caused this loud noise, practically busting down the door. Ness had a bad habit of opening doors really quickly, and loudly, not giving the people in the room enough time to process his presence. Just like Lucas had a bad habit of watching shitty shows, which he was doing right now, and Ness noticed this. "Are you seriously watching Riverdale again?

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