All This Birthday and You Still Aren't Based

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The doors to the Mansion swung open, creating a noise tantamount to boulders being slammed into each other using a crane. These were large double doors, mind you, able to fit whatever wacky character was entering the mansion that day. And yet, they had just been swung open by seemingly one person.

The disruption caused the general activity of the mansion to cease for a moment, as everyone was slightly startled by the noise. Sephiroth and Akechi ceased their game of chess, as did Steve stopped whatever sculpture he was working on at that moment, as they and everyone else turned to see who could've possibly performed such a feat as pushing those doors open singlehandedly.

Practically speed-walking into the mansion, was Claus, with Ness in tow. Claus was holding a loose piece of paper, entering the small circular dip on the floor, and slamming the paper on the round center table within the mansion foyer. Everyone gathered around, to figure out what the hell was happening.

"Good morning my lesser people," Claus smugly spoke as Ness rolled his eyes, approaching the table and pocketing his phone, which he seemed very focused on up until that moment. "As you know, today is my birthday. But, it is not only my birthday today. It is another birthday today, one you should know very well. It is-"

"Today is April 20th. The birthday of Lucas and Claus," ROB's robotic voice chimed in, who was working on some sort of weird device with Mega Man before Claus' interruption. No one quite knew what the devices those two made would do, they just would make them, and they would somehow help the mansion.

"Well thanks for ruining the surprise you overgrown Wacom Tablet," Claus was mildly annoyed by ROB's intrusion of his wonderful presentation, but nevertheless, he continued on. He thrust the paper further into the table to give everyone a better view of it. "Please, take a look at what I've come up with."

Akechi was the first to pick up the paper, giving it a glance, as Sephiroth read over his shoulder. Both gave visible looks of confusion as their eyes graced the paper.

"Lucas' Super Ultra Mega Turbo Birthday Surprise II?" Akechi asked, confused as all hell, as he continued to look at the crude drawing that was directly under that bit of text on the paper. It seemingly depicted Lucas surrounded by gifts, with Claus by his side, and everyone else far off in the background. "This looks like a child draw this."

"Like you could draw better," Claus chuckled, elbowing Ness for some sort of confirmation, but this elbowing just made Ness flinch a little.

"No, but I know someone who knows someone who could blow this out of the-"

"That! Is irrelevant, my good murderous friend," Claus snatched the paper out of Akechi's hand and slammed it back down on the table, his smile being almost artificial at this point. "I already have the whole party set up, all I need you people to do is get him some gifts. That is all I ask."

"Kind of risky, what if we run into him while shopping?" Mega Man chimed in.

"I also have that taken care of," Claus popped the non-existent collar on his shirt, giving himself a metaphorical pat on the back. "I managed to convince him to do this audio journal thing to distract him this morning, and after that, I'm having Red take him on a walk in a park all day until the party."

"And why would we help you, of all people?" Sephiroth scoffed, crossing his arms. "Do you not remember when you replaced my DVD collection with Family Guy Funny Moments?"

"Sephiroth, buddy," Claus slowly approached Sephiroth, fingers placed together, as he looked up at the tall man. "You've been wanting to visit Cloud at that new weapon shop he works at? Well, lucky for you, Lucas just so happens to want a replica katana for his birthday."

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