Strike First

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Hello, and welcome to the second part of this not so subtly inspired collab features such characters as "Lucas" from the hit game Mother 3. And "Ness" from the hit game Earthbound. If you made your way over here from my good friend Breakdown003 then you know what happened. If not, please subscribe to my Patreon to get the Dragon Ball Z recap. But for now, this part shall commence. Ladies and Gentlemen, please enjoy. Please like it, I worked really hard on it. I  mean, we worked hard on it. I'm still in his house, by the way.


It was a new dawn, yet another dawn, one of many dawns that had happened and one of many dawns that will happen. Nothing at all was special about this dawn at all. Nothing in the slightest. There was absolutely nothing at all special about this new dawn upon this very familiar city. Such a familiar city. Such a very familiar city that is very familiar and that has dawns.

The whistle of a kettle awoke a sleeping person. The person looked rather tired, they had been up for days at that point searching for something. The person arose, still wearing their skin tight suit. Rubbing their eyes, they looked around the small portable they had been sleeping in. It was a break room of sorts, with cabinets, a few tables, and a couch where the person had been sleeping.

Yawning and stretching, and getting up from the couch, they made their way over to the kettle of coffee they had made earlier that morning. Before falling back asleep, that is.

Walking over several suspect red stains, and past their armor which was propped up in the middle of the room using a retractable pole, they poured themselves their coffee. This was the most normal their morning had been in a fat minute.

They walked out of the portable to down their coffee and admire the dawn, which again, was quite normal. But something interrupted this enjoyment of the normal dawn. The person looked down, and noticed a small little piece of paper lying on the ground mere steps away from him. Curious, he approached it, picking it up.

Working for a closer city. This city is like my son, I will never let it down

Upon reading this, he dropped his coffee. The mug shattered on the ground, coffee spilling everywhere. But this person didn't even register that. He just stared at the flyer, eyeing down two people depicted on it. One he recognized, or at least, he thought he recognized. This person was not the same person he knew, but he still knew this person, yet didn't know this person. But the other person on the flyer, he had no idea who it was. And yet, he already had plans for that person.

Dropping the flyer, he turned back into the portable. Not a moment later, he left it, now with his full armor on. Extending his wings, he was off, into the sky.

Davos awakes from his slumber, now fully rested. However he wasn't awoken naturally, instead, he was awoken by the sound of running water from someone taking a shower. Though he didn't mind, as he was already fully rested.

He got out of the bed, stretching and yawning, having rested well in his temporary sleeping quarters. Now ready to start his day, he clapped his hands, the pajamas on his body disappearing. Doing it once more, as to not remain naked, his normal attire appeared on his body. His classic trenchcoat and gloves. Exiting his room, he was ready to start his day.

Along with the sounds of the shower, Davos' nostrils were met with the sweet smell of omelettes. Sighing a bit at this, he basically floated downstairs to see what was being cooked. He always loved food, every kind of food.

"Morning...That smells...So good," Davos got lost in the smell as he watched Claus cook the omelettes. There was almost a look of love on his face. For the food. He looked in love with the food.

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