Chapter 4:

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I must have fallen asleep once I got home, because I was awakened to my phone chirping non-stop. I had a message from my mom letting me know she was stopping by our favorite Mexican restaurant to get us dinner and then she'd be home around 7. I got another message from Gretchen, saying hello, and that she's sorry we didn't get a chance to speak at school today, because we didn't have any classes together and 3 messages from Reni, wondering what I was doing since she knew I was home alone. By the sound of it and the amount of texts, I'd assumed I'd better message her back.

Hey girl, sorry I was asleep. My mom will be home soon. I'll try and call you later.

My phone immediately rang. I rolled my eyes because I knew it was Reni.
"What's up?" So I told her about the group Mrs. Salmon wanted me to be a part of. I also let her know I wanted her opinion because I was a bit apprehensive about it.

"Gracie (the only person that calls me that anymore), I really wish you'd venture out and do more. You're popular, everyone loves you. I wish you weren't so afraid to do more around the school. You would be very helpful, I think. "

"I know, it's just been a rough start to the school year already, and I feel so out of touch with everyone." I whimpered.

"Girl, quit feeling sorry for yourself. I tell you what, let's get together this weekend. I'm sure we can go somewhere to make you feel normal again" she said.

"I don't know Reni, I told Mrs. Salmon I would tell her my decision by Friday and if I wait until the weekend to test my sea legs, I'll have already made my decision by then."

"What are you doing tomorrow after school?" Reni asked

"Nothing that I know of, my mom is working. What did you have in mind?" I was almost scared to ask.

"Well Gretchen has cheerleading practice after school and we were gonna hang out, maybe get a bite to eat or something."she said. "Please come with!" She begged. "We need to all catch up."

I heard the key in the door and knew it was Mom with dinner.

"Reni, Mom's home. I'm going to get off for now. I'll text you later. Love ya!"

"I love you too. Don't forget to text me. Give Mama kisses for me." Reni and my mom adore each other.

Mom brought back burritos, chips with queso and salsa and salads. We sat and ate and talked about our day. More or less we talked about me, because Mom doesn't like bringing work home. We no sooner than got finished and cleaned up after dinner, and she had to go shower and get ready for bed to do it all again tomorrow. I stuck around downstairs, trying to find a movie or show to watch. I knew if I tried to go to bed, I'd just toss and turn. That happens a lot when I have something on my mind. I decided to text Reni and let her know I'd be joining Gretchen and her tomorrow. She was excited to say the least. I went upstairs to my room, got my PJs on, listened to some music and drifted off to sleep.

Grace Under Pressure (Grace Walker Series Book 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن