Chapter 32:

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I woke up Saturday morning in a daze. I looked at my phone and it was about 8 o'clock. I must have fallen asleep early because I didn't even hear mom come in last night.

I went downstairs and she was brewing coffee and listening to music. Today's music of choice, Country. I laughed because that only meant one thing. She was off today and it was time to clean house.

"Morning mom." I said. I gave her a quick peck on the cheek. She smelled like her moisturizer she's used for years. Another female I know that doesn't need a drop of make-up to be beautiful. I grabbed a coffee cup and poured me a cup and wrapped my hands around it trying to get them warm.  It hadn't snowed again in a few days but there was a still a bite in the air. I looked outside. It was a bright, sunny day, but I knew it was deceiving. After all, it's January, and Spring wasn't exactly in sight yet.

"So what's on the agenda for today?" I asked.

"Well since I went to the store the other day, we don't need groceries. I need to dust and catch up on laundry. You wanna help?" She asked.

"Sure." I finished my cup of coffee and got into a T-shirt and sweatpants. I tied my hair in a messy bun because I always get hot cleaning, no matter the temperature outside.

Mom and I spent the next few hours dusting and cleaning the house from top to bottom. She asked me to go through my closet and see if I wanted to get rid of some stuff from last summer, because she wanted to take me shopping soon, and my closet wasn't very big. After I finished up with the load of clothes in the dryer and putting them away, I started on the closet.

I realized quickly that I must wear the same stuff over and over again. I had things in my closet with tags on it. Mom had bought me these really cute rompers last summer, but after I broke my leg, I normally wore shorts and a T-shirt.

I pulled those out and tried some of them on. They still fit great. So, I went through the stuff I had worn a lot and put it in trash bags. I saved a few things. I had some jean shorts I liked a lot and a couple of vintage band shirts. I even went through my shoes and found a few pair of sandals and my canvas shoes. I organized them all on one side of my closet and kept my winter stuff on the other. Standing back, I looked at it and was pretty happy with the final outcome. I gathered up the trash bags and took them downstairs.

"Wow, that's a lot of stuff." Mom said.

"Yeah, but I also came across stuff in the back of my closet with tags on it." I shook my head. All mom's hard earned money, just sitting there like it was on a clothing rack.

"I saved up some extra money, so in a few days, I'll take you shopping. Sound like a plan?" She asked.

"Yeah, mom, sounds great. I don't need much though. I'm gonna take a shower now though."

I ran upstairs, found some fleece leggings and a real pretty sweater I discovered while cleaning out my closet. It was light blue and had little sparkle pieces of fabric intertwined in it. I don't know what type of material it was made with, but it was the softest thing I think I've ever worn. I showered and washed my hair. Since it had been in a bun, I decided to blow dry it to get the crease out. I didn't really need to straighten my hair usually, but today it had a mind of its own. I finished straightening it and I heard a knock at the door from downstairs. Mom hollered up for me to get it. She had to answer an email really quick.

I ran downstairs and opened the door. Mason and his father Mark was standing at the door. I was shocked. I don't think they've been back to this neighborhood since they moved.

"Oh hey, come on in." I said. "Mom, Mr. James and Mason are here. Can you come here a second."

I told them they could have a seat in the kitchen while we waited on mom.

I wasn't exactly sure what was going on, but I got a nervous feeling nonetheless.

"Honey, who did you say was at the door?" Then she seen it was Mark and Mason. She started smoothing her hair out and looked nervous herself. "what's going on?"

"Tessa, we didn't mean to impose, but Mason made me aware that Grace is going to be helping him adjust to going back to school and I wanted to bounce some ideas off of the two of you. I called LE and they said you were off, so we stopped by."

"What did you have in mind?" Mom asked. She offered them a drink. Rick said no but Mason took a soda.

"Well, he's going to need to get help catching up with his schoolwork I'm sure, but I feel,and he does too, that he may need help outside of school." He said.

"What do you mean, Mr. James?" I asked out of curiosity.

"He can't drive yet and I leave earlier than he does in the morning and Olivia says that it would conflict with her schedule too, so he needs to get a ride to school and back."

"But, she doesn't have a car." Mom added. "How would she get him there and back everyday?"

"Mason has a Jeep. She can drive that." Oh my gosh, a jeep! I got so exited but seen mom's face, so I calmed down.

"I don't know Mark, what about insurance and what if she wrecks it?" " I can't afford to compensate you if something happens." She added.

"Tessa, I'm not worried about that. She will do just fine. I have to get Mason adjusted and I need help and unfortunately, Olivia isn't much of it right now." He shook his head and refrained from saying more.

"Ms. Walker, please, Grace has been the only friend I've had since this all happened and I really need her help." Mason pleaded.

He looked at me and I looked away. At that moment, I can only imagine of what Olivia is going to think about it.

"Alright Mark, but on one condition. If she is going to be keeping his car while he is rehabilitating, at least let me pay for the gas." Mom said.

Rick laughed. "Tessa, you have always been stubborn haven't you?" Mom blushed a little and smiled back at him. "But, if you feel it necessary, how about half the gas."

"Deal. Mason, I do hope you're feeling better. I'm going to have to excuse myself however and get back to my emails." She said goodbye, and walked into the study.

"Well", Mark said, "Mason will reach you before Monday to give you the details on how to come get the car."

"Okay". That was all I could really say. I couldn't wait to tell Reni.

I said goodbye and shut the door behind them. I watched them back out of the driveway and hurried up and ran upstairs to call Reni!

Grace Under Pressure (Grace Walker Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now