Chapter 17:

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The wind was starting to pick up and by the time I turned the corner to go inside, my hair was a matted mess. So much for feeling pretty. I started feverishly combing my fingers through my hair as I walked the halls to get to my mom's office. She would throw a fit if she seen my long blonde hair so dishevelled. Luckily, she wasn't at her desk. I snuck in the bathroom really quick before I searched for her and checked my hair. I managed to get it to not look so much like a hot mess, but it still needed some brushing. Maybe she won't notice. I washed my hands and dried them and went out in search of Mom.

Life Engagement, in some ways was designed like a nursing home would be, but ten times better. The residents here had "apartments" instead of rooms, each having their own kitchen, dining room, living room and bedroom along with a bathroom. Some even had two bedrooms. The floors were carpeted and the care-givers helped maintain the apartments, so it didn't have that nursing home feel, or smell for that matter. Mom was in charge of showing tours, setting up a financial plan, scheduling move in days, etc, which was why she was always so busy. The residents here came from money and was spending a lot to live here. Mom didn't want to give anything shy of perfection when it came to them. I ran into Star, one of the care-givers and asked if she had seen Mom. She told me she's in Apartment 234, the convalescent apartment. I walked down the hall and could hear someone raise their voice. It was very familiar. I stood in the doorway, and there stood Mason James, backwards Preston Football hat, sweat pants and black hoodie with the looks to kill, with a scowl on his face, looking at his dad with a lot of anger. He was on crutches and looked exhausted.  I don't think anyone knew I was there, so I moved away from the door, so I wasn't in sight, but I was dying to hear what was going on.

"Dad, this isn't fair, why do I have to stay here? Why can't I go home or at least go to the one in town where there's stuff for me to do. All they do here is play Bingo and go to bed at 7 at night!"

I fought the urge to bust out laughing, because he described Life Engagement perfectly.

"Mason, you were an idiot, sorry. You shouldn't have been on that roof, and you sure as hell shouldn't have tried to climb down it like you did. You may have a lot of freedoms son, but freedom of consequences doesn't exist." Mark said with an edge in his voice. If I was Mason, I'd probably tuck tail and not say another word.

"Whatever, Dad." Mason exclaimed and I heard his crutches cross the room and he sat down on his couch.

I heard my mom and Mark go into another room and discuss what she had figured out for Mason.

"I know this is probably going to be a hard experience for Mason. He's in an uncomfortable surrounding with people no where near his age. I assure you however that I have researched some things that may make him more comfortable here. Ive had Dietary add foods he would enjoy, I've even asked the Activities Director to try to find him a video game console to play on. Mark, it'll be hard for him, but I promise, he will get top-notch care.

"Thank you Tessa" he said to Mom.  "I hate this for him, but I need to have him in trusting hands when he's away from home and his mother and I can't give him the care he needs.  I know no one is more qualified to take care of my boy like you. "

"I won't let you or Mason down, you have my word. "

It sounded as if someone was about to walk out of the apartment so I hurried and hid in the bathroom I was just in for about 5 minutes and waited for the coast to clear. I walked out of the restroom, seen Mason's door closed and continued to Mom's office.

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