Chapter 46:

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I knew I roughly had 15 minutes for Mason to text me to let me know he made it home safe.

Reni, are you still awake?

No response. Crap! I needed to tell someone and mom was asleep. I got into my PJs and waited for Mason to text.

Barely. What's up? It was Reni.

Mason told me he loved me tonight!

What! O-M-G Gracie!!! Did you tell him you loved him back?

Yes, I don't know how to explain how I feel right now. I heard my phone chirp as I was writing my text to Reni.

Hey beautiful, I'm home. It was Mason.

Reni, please don't tell anyone else. Not right now anyway. But he just got home so I'm gonna talk to him. I'll call you tomorrow. Love ya!

I texted Mason back and he asked if he could call. I told him yes.

"Are you in bed?" He asked.

"Yeah, being out in the cold rain and with everything that happened tonight, I'm exhausted. I'm sorry you had to go through that Mason.

"It's okay. It's going to be okay. Dad and I had a long talk on the way home. We cleared the air on a lot of things. I really think things will be better for us. I was more relieved when I got home and her suitcases were gone more than anything else." He said.

"I bet you are. And living with one parent means that you will have each other's back, you'll almost become friends if that makes sense."

"Yeah, it does. I don't know what I would have done if I couldn't have reached you tonight. I didn't know who else to call that would drop everything like that to come save me." He said.

"Mason, I love you and I told you, I'm not leaving. Not unless you ask me to." I said. I still can't get over saying that. Or even better, having someone say it to me.

"I love you too. Pinky promise Gracie. And I don't think I'll ever ask you to leave. You're absolutely perfect and I couldn't ask for a better person in this world to be my girlfriend. " He sounded genuinely happy.

" What are you doing tomorrow?" I asked.

"Well that was something Dad and I was talking about on the way home. One of the reasons that caused everything to happen was he had told Olivia he was going to buy me a new car. The one I have is fine, but because of everything I went through and being able to go back to school and adjust and keep my grades up, he wanted to do something for me." He said. "so I guess we are going car shopping tomorrow. You wanna come with?"

"Actually, I haven't hung out with Reni in a while. I was going to see if she wanted to do something. If that's okay?"

"Grace, we don't have to do everything together. Of course, go with Reni. I'm sure you would have a better time than standing around a dealership on a Sunday anyhow."

"Alright, that sounds good. I guess I'm going to go ahead and get off here and try and get some rest."

"One more thing before you go?" He asked.


"I love you Grace."

"I love you too Mason. Good night."

We hung up. It was going on 1:30 and my eyes started getting heavy. I plugged my phone up, shut my light out and fell right to sleep.


I woke up the next morning, hoping the good parts of the day yesterday weren't a dream, but wishing the bad parts were only a nightmare. I looked at my phone, it was going on 8. I could smell coffee brewing downstairs so either Mom was off today, or she was about to go in.

I got up and walked across my room to try and find something to wear. Thank God it was nicer now, I could wear some of the new clothes Mom got for me. I picked out a light pink crop top that tied in the front and a pair of ripped jean capris. My sandals Mom got me were really cute too. They were leather sole and two light pink straps, each with a buckle that went on top of my foot. I laid a light sweater out too, in case it got chilly out later.

I grabbed a shower really quick. I decided to use the new body wash and lotion she bought me too, in hopes that maybe I'll see Mason later. I got out, blow dried my hair and kept it down until I decided what to do with it. Right now, I needed coffee and I wanted to call Reni.

I went downstairs and Mom was sitting at the kitchen table, sleepily reading the newspaper.

"Good morning Mom." I grabbed a coffee mug out of the cupboard and poured myself a cup.

"Good morning Gracie, how did you.... Punkin you look terrific! That top looks perfect." She beamed.

"Thank you Mom. And thank you for buying me the clothes. There a bit different than what I normally wear but I could get used to them. They are so comfortable." I added.

"I'm glad you like them honey. What are you going to do today?" She asked.

Right then I remembered I was going to call Reni and see what she was going today. I really need a girl talk.

"Unless you had something in mind?" I said.

"No, Grace, go out with Reni and have a good time. Last night was a mess and I'm sure you want to get out of the house and away from it all." She said.

"Thanks Mom." I took my coffee and sat down and texted Reni.

Hey sleepyhead, you awake yet??

She immediately called.

"Hello, lover girl, she laughed, what's up?"

"Oh Geez, I laughed back, nothing wanted to see if you wanted to do something today. I can meet you somewhere or you could pick me up and we can do something. We haven't hung out alone in a while." I said.

"Sounds great. Mom and Dad took Shayna and Sierra out for the day, so I'm home alone. We could come here or go anywhere you want."

"Well I've got a little cash, I was hoping we could go to the mall, maybe eat and go shopping?" I asked.

"That sounds even better. What time do you want me to be there?" she asked.

"Well I'm ready already, so whenever you want I guess. " I said.

She told me give her about an hour, which in Reni's terms meant exactly that. She took forever to get ready sometimes. But, it gave me the opportunity to do my hair and to call Mason.

I went upstairs and plugged my curling wand in and called Mason while it heated.

Grace Under Pressure (Grace Walker Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now