Chapter 33:

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"Are you freaking serious?" Reni said.

"Yes, I get to drive his Jeep!" I exclaimed.

"Wow, he must really need your help Gracie." She added.

Yeah, and apparently he and his father both think I'm the best for the job.

"I hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes. I don't think his step mom is very fond of me."

"Who cares. The important thing here is what exactly are you going to have to help him with if they are giving you his car! Well, temporarily." She said.

I hadn't thought that far ahead. Now, that I think about it, I'm going to be spending a lot more time with him than I expected. I'm used to doing what I feel like doing, when I feel like doing it. Now, I'm going to be doing far more than Mrs. Salmon thought.

"Not sure. But I'm sure we will take it day by day. I have to go get his Jeep tomorrow."

"I can take you if you want, I know exactly where it is." She offered.

"I'll see if my mom wants to take me or not. She may have more questions to ask Rick anyhow. She kind of rushed out of the room after she agreed to let me do it."

"That's strange. Well, anyhow. I have to go. Shayna and Sierra are climbing the walls. I promised I'd take them to the mall to play mini-golf and I guess we aren't leaving fast enough." She laughed.

"Alright have a good time." We hung up and I went back downstairs to look for Mom.

"Is everything okay Mom?" I asked. " You seemed a bit preoccupied with Mason and his dad was here."

"Oh, it's nothing honey, nothing to worry yourself over. Please promise me though when you drive his vehicle, you're extra careful."

"Mom, I wouldn't do anything to destroy someone else's property."

"I know honey, it's just this is a big responsibility." She said.

Responsibility. Sure, I had it at home as far as chores. I also had it at school as far as keeping my homework done and my grades decent. But, never as far as being responsible over someone else or someone else's things for that matter.

I told Mom I was gonna try and find something on TV since Reni was babysitting.

"Sounds good she said. I'm up to my neck in emails. That's what happens everytime I have the day off." She shook her head.

I grabbed a blanket and the remote and sat on the couch.

God I hate that woman!

It was Mason and I'm sure he was talking about Olivia.

What's up?

She's mad because Dad is going to let you drive the Jeep. I guess she feels as if I should ride the bus, crutches and all. She doesn't want to help, so what's the big deal?

I didn't know what to tell him. I don't feel like she wants him to ride the bus. I feel as if it's everything to do with me and not so much of anything to do with him.

What time do you think I should come tomorrow to get the Jeep?

So that means you aren't backing out?

I thought about it a time or two, but I made a promise and I fully intend to keep it.

No, Mason, I'm not backing out.

You can come here in the afternoon if you'd like. Olivia usually has bridge on Sunday afternoons, and this week it's at someone else's house.

I told him I'd run it by Mom and let him know.

What are you doing right now?

I told him just watching TV.

Did you maybe wanna hang out? Talk about Monday? We can go to Sherry's if you like.

Let me ask my mom.

I found Mom in her study, but she must be tired. She fell asleep at her desk. I just shook my head and tapped her on her hand to try and wake her up without scaring her.

"Oh honey, I must have fallen asleep. What did you need" she said with a groggy voice.

"Well Mason and I were texting and he asked if I wanted to go get some food at Sherry's with him. But because he isn't driving, I'd have to get a ride."

"Why don't you take the car, Grace. I don't have any plans to go anywhere this evening. That way you can stay out for a little bit. Besides I have to work a half day tomorrow morning."

"Okay." I said. "Also, he said we can come tomorrow afternoon to get the Jeep, if that's okay. Reni offered to take me since she knows where it is."

"You better ride with Reni there tomorrow honey, just in case I don't get off in time to go." She got that distant look in her eyes again, then seen me staring at her and smiles. "Have a good time honey."

Mason, my mom is letting me drive her car. When should I be there to pick you up. It's 5:30 now.

Be here at 6:15. That way I can change. It takes me a minute because of the cast.

I said okay and texted Reni to let her know I did need that ride there tomorrow after all.

I ran upstairs really quick to grab a pair of boots and check myself out in the mirror. I desperately needed to brush my hair. I got my brush out and feverishly brushed through it, because I'd never been to his house and I didn't know how long it would take. I put a couple of coats of mascara on and a little bit of lip gloss. I didn't look too plain I suppose.

I walked downstairs, grabbed Mom's keys and told her goodbye.

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