Chapter 6:

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The school day finished out and I texted my mom to let her know I was hanging out with the girls. She said it was fine and to have a good time. I waited by Reni's locker and scrolled through Facebook until she got there.
"Sorry it took me so long, Mr. Smith stopped me at the door and was talking about World War 2 since I was the only person in class it seems to have done the reading for class today", she said, while rolling her eyes. I giggled and said it's fine.

"How long is Gretchen's practice?, I asked. "Usually about an hour, we can go sit on the field though and wait for her", she responded.

We walked around to the other side of the school where the exit to the field was. We had to wait a second to go out the door because the football team was practicing too and they were all running for the exits when we were about to exit. We got out to the field and sat on the bleachers and waved at Gretchen to let her know we were there.

"You look really nice, Gracie. You should wear stuff like this more often,"Reni said as she stuck her elbow playfully in my ribs.

"Do you really think so? I asked.
She said yes. So I smiled and we chatted about what we were gonna do when Gretchen finished practice. Knowing Gretchen, she'd want to go somewhere that would keep her out of the house for a while, since she couldn't do this very often. I didn't mind where we went. It had been months since the three of us could get together. Gretchen came running over and asked if we could stop by the shower rooms in about 15 minutes so she could shower and change out of her uniform. So, Reni and I decided to watch the football team for a few minutes while Gretchen finished getting ready. We had a really good team this year, thanks to the Fearsome Foursome, which is how they got their name. I still couldn't believe they let a junior be their star quarterback, but Mason James was just that damn good. He'd played football his whole life and knew that was what he wanted to do after high school. His family has a lot of money, so he has gotten plenty of opportunities to go to camp and talk to scouts to improve his game. And it paid off. He was in the newspaper every week.
Mason was one of those guys that was an all-around nice guy. He was like the others as far as letting it get to their head sometimes, but he can be considered a little more level-headed than the others. I think that, with his skill, is why he is the quarterback. We used to play outside together when his parents and he lived up the road from my mom and me, but his dad is a lawyer and made partner, so they now live in a house almost as massive as Reni's.
Gretchen came out of the school, dressed in something similar to mine, so I knew my outfit choice was worthy to go wherever they had planned on going. We headed to Gretchen's SUV because it was a lot roomier than Reni's car. Still not knowing exactly what were going to do, Gretchen started the car and we decided to go get smoothies at the mall first and go from there. We had a small mall, with only a handful of designer stores inside, but the best part of the mall, was definitely the mini-golf course in the middle. That was the hangout spot for kids our age. Friday nights after the game, it can get so packed that you can't even see the course sometimes. If you wanted to be noticed, that was definitely the place to be. The smoothie shop was pretty slow, so it didn't take us long to get our drinks and walk to the course. I took a huge gulp and closed my eyes. Oh how I missed my strawberry-banana smoothie. We walked over to the course and there were a few kids from the school there. We ran into a few cheerleaders, Hannah, Tori and another Grace. So, we three played a few rounds of golf against those three. I don't think I've laughed or had that much fun in a while.
I got home about 8 o'clock and fell right to sleep. Mom was off tomorrow night, and I was happy because I need to fill her in on my decision to help Mrs. Salmon.

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