Chapter 11:

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I woke up the next morning, and I could hear thunder outside. I got off the couch on Reni's room and peeked out her window and seen it was raining like crazy. I walked over to Reni and lightly shook her arm. She woke up and instantly remembered what happened the night before. She started scrambling out of bed, looking for her phone to see if anyone had messaged her about Mason. She had one from Gretchen, but it was only an apology for what happened last night.

"I can't believe this Gracie. I'm so pissed at Mason and Chris right now! How could they have been so stupid!" She asked.

"I don't know Reni, but right now, there's nothing we can do. We can't take that night back. We can, however, be relieved that no one else got hurt and that Mason's injuries weren't life-threatening."

"When you leave, I'll be locked up like Rapunzel, I just know it!" She whined.

I giggled and she looked a little hurt. So, I got on her bed and wrapped my arms around her.

"Reni, you aren't going to get locked up. Your parents may be upset, but they love you and I think deep down they know it was an accident. Just give them some time. Right now though, I would tread lightly. Your dad seemed super pissed last night and I doubt a good night's rest was enough to make that go away." I said.

We heard a low knock at the door, it was Reni's sister Sierra.

"Mom wanted me to tell you that breakfast was ready. She wanted you to come down and eat and remind Grace to call her mom. What happened anyway?"

Sierra was in Junior High and was already into gossiping as much as a high schooler was. Sometimes, she could be a little too nosy though.

Reni threw a pillow at her and said "Mom just wanted you to tell us breakfast was ready, not snoop. Get out of my room!" Sierra stuck her tongue out and slammed the bedroom door. I rolled my eyes and laughed. I couldn't help but remember that's exactly how Reni acted at that age.

We got dressed and went downstairs to see what her mom fixed for breakfast. She must have came from a big family, because no matter what, she always fixed enough food for an army. She made french toast, sausage links, scrambled eggs and homemade hash browns. I dug in because I hadn't eaten anything besides dip and crackers since last night. Everything was so good. Reni kind of picked and played with her food, which aggravated her mom.

"Serenity Nicole, I know you are upset and angry about last night, but don't waste food. Eat your breakfast. Your father is in the shower and will be down soon, and that will make him even more mad." She gave her the look and Reni started eating.

Shayna, Reni's other sister kept looking back and forth between her mom and Reni. She was the youngest of Reni's siblings. She was 8 and was very smart and reserved.

She turned to Sierra and asked her what was going on.

"Reni threw a party and she did something wrong, I just don't know what." Sierra said.

"Hey Sierra, why don't you shut your big mouth!" Reni yelled.

"Alright, that's about enough. Reni go to your room. Grace, honey, call your mom and have her pick you up. Sierra and Shayna, finish your breakfast and find a movie or something to watch and stay out of it. " Mr. Ward sternly said.

No one had even noticed he'd walked into the room. I cleaned my plate, along with Reni's, because she stormed off to her room. I thanked her mom for breakfast and told her little sisters and father goodbye and headed to her room to gather up my stuff and call my mom.

"Reni, please calm down. I don't want you to get in any more trouble than you already are." I begged.

"I can't help it Gracie. I am getting blamed for everything last night and it wasn't me. I just wanted to have a party and this happens. It's not fair!" She started crying at this point.

I tried to console her but I knew my mom would be there soon, so I went downstairs and waited for her.

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