Chapter 27:

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"Grace, punkin, are you okay?" Mom said.

The nurse at school had sent me home after I got sick in Mrs. Salmon's floor. Mom picked me up and took me home. She made me go to bed and rest. That's truthfully the only thing I wanted to do at this point. I had a horrible headache since this morning, and it didn't even let up after I fell asleep for a little bit.

"I'm okay, Mom, I just have a horrible headache." I said.

"Honey, you may not be thinking about food, but have you eaten anything since this morning? I noticed you didn't even finish that." Mom asked with a look of concern.

Come to think of it, I hadn't ate or drank anything since this morning. "No, I haven't and I'm so thirsty right now too. I don't know if I could eat though." I added.

"Well I'm gonna get you some lemon-lime soda, maybe the carbonation will help your stomach, and I think I may be able to find a can of chicken noodle soup. I haven't been to the store in ages."

Mom left my room and I closed my eyes. I can't believe the first day back and I got sick. Not a good way to start the semester. Reni and Gretchen probably have zero clue I even left right after foods. I'll have to text them both later.

Mom came back up with a glass of soda and some headache medicine. She told me she was nuking the soup and she'd be back up. I raised up out of bed to take the medicine and looked outside and seen it was snowing. I got back into bed but didn't lay down. Moments, later, Mom brought me an oversized coffee mug of steaming hot soup. The smell was inviting, believe it or not. I sat a slowly ate and talked to Mom.

" Oh my gosh Mom, I just realized you had to work today. Are you gonna get in trouble for coming home early?" I asked with concern.

"Don't worry Grace. She shook her head and smiled. "That's my job. And no, since you asked, I just put in for a sick day today and tomorrow. I wasn't sure exactly what was wrong with you and told them I better take another day off. And since Mason left, things seem to be slowing back down thankfully."

Mason. The reason I've been preoccupied and probably got my nerves rattled. Also, along with my nerves, caused a headache and now a sick feeling.

"Speaking of Mason, that's the last thing I remember at school before I got sick. Mrs. Salmon told me the first student she would like for me to help is Mason." I said, dipping my spoon in and out of my soup.

Mom looked down at me, wondering why on Earth I was playing with my food. " And what did you tell her?"

"I didn't say anything. She said that's who needed help and I got sick." I said.

I couldn't look Mom in the eye. I don't know what exactly it is about Mason. I don't know if it was because I truly felt like I was helping and he just ghosted me basically or that now, I'll be helping him all the time. I don't know how I'm going to do it. Sure, I helped for a few days at LE but now, this was going to be an everyday thing, for weeks, maybe even months. I don't know if I want to fly above the radar like that. At this point, I'm conflicted on what to do. I'm so used to venturing out on my own terms, and now I kind of have to be sociable no matter what.

"Punkin, you do what makes you happy. But, you did make a promise to Mrs. Salmon that you would do this and she's fully relying on you to keep that promise. Besides, Mason will need help, regardless of what happened the last time you two spent any time together. You have been in his shoes a time or two and would have definitely benefited from something like this. So honey, don't let pride stop you from helping someone. Who knows it may not even be for long. At the rate his leg is healing, he may only need you for a little while."

One can only hope, I thought to myself. "Thanks for the soup and soda Mom. I think the medicine would kick in if I laid down for a bit more.". I handed her my soup and she put my drink on my bedside table and kissed my forehead. She looked at me before she exited and told me to get some rest and softly shut my door.

I drifted off to sleep for a while. A few hours later, I heard my phone chirping and I raised up out of bed to see who it was.

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