Chapter 30:

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Mom and I made spaghetti and salads with bread for dinner. I loved when she was able to cook for me.

I got a quick text from Reni letting me know that we didn't have any homework yet. So, I was relieved because when I left the other day, I didn't even bother to grab any of my text books.

Mom headed to shower and I went to my room. I scrolled through social media for a little bit. The one thing that kept me preoccupied though was why Mom had made that observation about Olivia. Mom was the easiest going person I ever met. She liked everyone and everyone liked her. So to hear her talk negative about someone was shocking, even if it was someone who is the definition of the devil incarnate. I started getting tired and didn't want to stay up late since I was going back to school tomorrow. So I headed to bed.

I got to school the next morning and went to my locker. I seen quite a few people huddled together. Must had had some juicy gossip to spread. I didn't really pay attention to anything anyone was saying. I grabbed my things out of my locker and headed to Foods class. I walked in and Gretchen was already seated.

"Hey Grace, how are you feeling?"

"I'm doing much better, thanks for asking." I said.

"I'm glad you are."

The bell rang and Reni ran in the door really quick before Mrs. Salmon shut the door. She just shook her head at her and waited until she made it to her seat to begin. She told us to get out our textbooks and turn to Chapter 1. It was all about making cakes from scratch. She wanted us to jot down what we could find in the chapter about the most basic cake ingredients. We could talk among our group members and put our answers on one paper.

"Alright while we are looking for this stuff, Gretchen, I gotta know what is everyone whispering about in the hallway?" Reni asked.

I was glad because I didn't want to ask myself.

"As far as what I've heard, they were talking about how Mason is supposed to come back to school at the beginning of next week."

I hadn't talked to him since yesterday morning and I didn't really give him the chance to tell me, so it was news to me too.

"I thought they were gonna make him wait a little bit since he's still on crutches?" Reni asked.

"I guess not." I said.

We got back to the assignment and we spent the rest of class going from group to group, letting everyone know what we came up with.

Class ended and we all said goodbye. I didn't have anyone in my next couple of classes.

I walked into the lunch room, and looked around for anyone I could sit with. Since I left before lunch Monday I wasn't sure who was in there with me.

For some odd reason, I always got stuck with the jocks and the girls that gravitated to them. The only one I really talked to was Gretchen, but she was with Ashton.

So I got up in line to look for something to eat. The regular line had spaghetti and since I had that last night, I decided on a burger. They're no Sherry's, but the burgers here weren't too bad.

I went to get napkins and a straw and I seen Reni. She was sitting at a table close to the jocks, but not at the same table. I walked up to her and had to clear my throat to get her attention. Her nose was in her phone.

"Oh yay! We actually have lunch together!" She exclaimed.

I laughed and sat down. We both ate and talked.

"Gracie, are you still going to help Mason adjust when he gets here? I know you weren't sure before." She started.

Wow right on the spot. "Um, well he apologized and it sounded genuine enough and I don't want to disappoint Mrs. Salmon, so yeah, I think I am."

"Well, he should be glad, after the way he treated you, he's lucky you're even going to help."

We finished lunch and talked about other things. The bell rang and I had to go to Health and Reni had to go Spanish 2, so we said goodbye and she promised to text me later.

The day wrapped up and I was glad. I rode the bus home and chatted with Pat all the way home. I lost track of where we were at and I would have missed my stop had Pat not stopped for me. I waved goodbye and checked the mail and unlocked the door.

Mom said I could fix anything I wanted, but that there was leftovers in the fridge if I wanted to do that too. So, I went ahead and just heated some spaghetti and watched TV for a little while. I cleaned up my mess and headed to the study to do my homework. I had to read for my Health class and Mrs. Salmon asked us to copy down the recipe for Chocolate cake onto a index card. I finished up about 7 and I heard Mom unlock the door.

"Hey punkin, how was your day?"

"It was fine, how about yours?" I asked.

"Not bad. I've got to go in earlier than normal tomorrow though. I have a tour for a potential resident and I've got to get the paperwork ready, so it'll be an early night for me."

Reni texted right then, and I asked Mom if it was okay if I texted her back. She said of course.

"Hey Reni, you've got your phone later than usual don't you?"

"Daddy finally ungrounded me!" She said.

"See I told you you wouldn't be grounded forever. Did you do the homework for Foods?"

"Yeah, I wonder when we are gonna make this cake?" She asked.

"Lol, you and your sweets."

We said goodbye and I headed to bed.

Grace Under Pressure (Grace Walker Series Book 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant