Chapter 42:

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"Who should you have asked Mason? I don't get where you're doing with this. What happened?"

"Well, for the record, Bailey was great. She stood with me since I couldn't dance and she made me laugh and is pretty smart." He started.

"And, you're telling me this why?" Why would he go on and on about another girl. "It sounds like you had the perfect date, Mason." I quietly said.

"Well, we were talking and she all of the sudden asked if I liked you. Like more than friends. I asked her what gave her that idea, and she told me that every thing we talked about, I used it as an opportunity to mention you. Once she said that, things got a little strained with us. She told me that she knew from the start of the date that she had zero chance to win my attention. Away from you that is."

"So what are you saying Mason?"
I couldn't believe he was pouring his heart out like this. I think I drove past his exit, but didn't turn around. I wanted to hear what he had to say.

"I'm saying I have feelings for you Grace. I have for a while now. I didn't think I had a chance since you were so upset over how Olivia treats you. That's why I accepted Bailey's offer. The whole time we were there, I thought of you. You are so easy to talk to and you worry about me more than I worry about myself." He looked out the window and watched the trees and buildings pass by.

So, there it was. Mason had feelings for me and deep down inside, I knew I had them for him as well. I think I had them as early as the first day we hung out. But, I was just an ordinary girl, with absolutely nothing extraordinary about her. I was a klutz, a loner at times. How could I have caught his eye.

I pulled into the park we went to on one of the first nights we hung out and got out of the Jeep. Mom always told me to keep an eye on the weather and of course I didn't listen, because the light rain that appeared on the windshield was now a downpour, but I was too scared to get back in the Jeep.

"Gracie, what are you doing?" Mason yelled. He was shading his eyes to try and see me through the rain.

"I don't know what to do Mason. I have feelings for you too. I'm not good enough for you though. I don't have your money, your stepmom hates me for something I didn't even do! You could have your pick of anyone in that school and you want to pick me? Why?"

He uncovered his eyes and walked towards me. He wiped the loose hair out of my face that was now pasted to my forehead because of the rain. He looked me in the eyes and bent down and gave me the softest kiss I've ever received. My stomach instantly got butterflies. Is this really happening? Did Mason James, the quarterback of the football team, just kiss me?

"Can we get back in the Jeep? I'm freezing" he said with a grin.

I nodded, I think, and got back into the car. He grabbed my hands and made me look at him.

"Gracie, I don't want anyone else. I want you. I can't tell you the last time I didn't spend an entire day thinking of you. Please tell me we can be together?" He pleaded.

His hands were so warm covering mind and I could have stayed there with him all night. But I remembered telling Mom I was coming right back and I knew she'd be worried since it was raining. As much as I didn't want to, I told Mason I needed to drive him home.

He didn't let go of my right hand the whole trip back to his house. We pulled into the driveway and luckily there wasn't a single light on. I put the Jeep in park and turned to him.

"To answer your question, as scared as I am, yes, we can together. " I said.

He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me again. He deepened the kiss and I did too. I think I should have done this a long time ago.

"Gracie, please trust me, I'm scared too, but there's no one else I want to be scared with." He gave me a quick kiss and told me to be careful and to let him know when I got home. " 

I waited for him to get in the house and I pulled out of the driveway. I can't believe this is happening. My head was in a fog all the way home.


I got home and Mom was watching a movie in the living room and I sat down beside her on the couch. I stared at the TV and still couldn't tell you what was going on.

My phone chirped and it was Mason. Shoot, I forgot to text him I made it home.

I'm sorry. I made it home okay. Tonight kind of made me space out I guess. Can I text you later? Will you be up?

I waited for him to text me back.

He did and told me he would wait up for me.

I went back to watching TV with Mom and tried to figure out a way to tell her about Mason and me.

As if she was waiting for her cue, she turned to me at commercial break and asked me what was going on with Mason.

"Well, he told me he had realized tonight that he has feelings for me. Mom, I have them for him too. Do you think this is going to cause problems between our families now?"

Mom sat there for a minute as if to find the right words to say.

"Punkin, you can't help sometimes who you care for. Mason and you have been spending a lot of time together and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that you two liked each other. I was actually waiting for the day you'd tell me he'd finally asked you out. As far as Mark, he will be happy and Olivia, don't you worry about Olivia. She's awakened the mama bear in me, and I'm not too happy with her right now for what she said to you."

Up until now, I completely forgot about what happened at Sherry's.

"I just want to be happy Mom. I know we're young, and we need to take things slow. I really like him and want to be with him. He wants the same."

"Sweetheart, if this is what you want , you have my 100% approval and I will support whatever you do, you know that." She gave me a kiss and went back to watching her movie.

Well, one person approves. I wonder if we will get approval from everyone else?

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