Chapter 29:

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I woke up the next morning, feeling much like I did the day before. So, I went downstairs and told Mom I was going to just stay home another day. She called me off school and asked if I needed anything. I told her no thanks. I went to the fridge and grabbed some orange juice and some more headache medicine and went and laid down on the couch under a throw blanket, trying to find something to watch on TV. The only thing on was that sitcom from the 90's about a widowed dad taking care of three girls with the help of his brother in law and best friend. Mom always liked this show, and made me watch it a lot, so I kept it on.

I texted Reni.

Reni, I'm still sick. So I'm not coming to school today. Can you find out what homework I need to get done?

She texted back immediately.

Sure thing Gracie. I hope you feel better. XOXO

My stomach was rumbling but I was almost scared to eat. I looked in the fridge and nothing looked appealing, so I stuck some bread in the toaster and grabbed some more juice. Once the toast was done, I took it into the living room and munched on it while watching the show.

I managed to keep that down, so I went to find Mom. I didn't find her in her study, so I went to her room. She apparently had fallen back to sleep after I told her I wasn't going to school. I tiptoed back to my room and softly shut my door. I didn't want to wake her, she deserved some time to herself. I scrolled through social media for a little while, but with everyone back in school, there wasn't much to see. I put my phone down and stared out the window. "Hired Help?" I've lived in this town my whole life. My mom and I may not have the best house, or newest car or the money some of these people have, but we weren't white trash. My mom was a pillar in this community and she did a lot for the senior citizens here, no matter how snobby they are to her.

What puzzled me most was the fact that Mason agreed to do it. We had fallen out of touch over the years, but he knew me. He knew that having someone say something like that would devastate me. And he knew it wasn't true. But, he wanted to go home and apparently was willing to do anything to get back there. I just don't get how Olivia found out. Mom has worked for LE for 15+ years and everyone loved her. So strange and annoying.

Mom came up a little while later and told me she was going to the store. She asked if I wanted her to bring me anything before she left.

"No, Mom, I've got everything I need right now. Love you. Be careful."

She left and I laid back down. It didn't take long and I'd fallen back to sleep.

Feeling any better?

My phone chirped. Mason.

Not really.

Oh, well, I'm sorry. Listen, about what I said last night. I just want you to know I went off on her that day at LE for what she said. She is a manipulative bitch and knows I wanted to come home and would do anything to one up me. It's been that way for years.

I stared at the screen. Okay, so, he took up for me. But, he's still missing the point that he really ghosted me for this so called manipulative bitch.   She doesn't work and his father does. So he's literally at home with her all day. No one there to witness what she does or says. But, what I can't understand is why he would want to endure that all just to be home. He seemed miserable while he was there growing up. He never wanted to be there.

I'm changing the subject, how's the leg?

It's better. The doctor took some more X-rays yesterday and said the same as he did last week. It's healing like it should. And therapy helps a lot. If all keeps going in a good direction, I could be in a walking boot soon and come back to school.

I was genuinely happy his leg was doing better. But, I'd never tell. Not right now anyway.

Maybe you will get some good news soon then. I'm gonna go though. I'll ttyl.

I heard Mom moving around in the kitchen downstairs and the rattling of grocery bags. I walked down and she was carrying in the last of the bags. She must have spent a small fortune. There were bags everywhere.

"Need help Mom?" I asked.

"Sure honey, guess who I ran into at the store?" She said.

"Who's that?" I asked.

"Mark, Mason's dad. He was telling me the good news about Mason's recovery. Said the doctor may have him in a walking boot by the end of the month."

"Yeah, he eventually texted me." I didn't have the heart to tell her what Olivia had said to get him to stop talking to me in exchange for him wanting to come home.

"I knew he'd come around honey. His father is a lot like that. Pig-headed and stubborn. Never does a thing unless his hand is forced." She said while putting boxes of beef and chicken in the freezer.

"How do you know how his dad is?" I asked, curious.

"Well, much like you kids, we grew up in this town our whole lives too. Mark and I went to high school together back in the day." She looked as if she was remembering something than snapped out of it and went back to putting groceries away.

"I never knew that. Did Olivia grow up here too?" I sneered when I said her name, but I don't think Mom seen it.

"No, Olivia grew up in Griffin and went to private school. She and Rick met in college. To be honest, I think she smelled a future of money, which is why she pursued him." She looked at me and shook her head. "Sorry honey, I shouldn't have said that out loud.

Whoa, what was that all about?

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