Chapter 34:

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It took me nearly 25 minutes to get to Mason's. With all the traffic out on a Saturday night and the fact that he lives way across town now. Preston has about 1,000 residents or so, there's only one high school. It didn't matter where you lived, 5 minutes away or 25(in this case), every kid went to Preston.

I slowly pulled into the circular driveway, because although he described it to me, I'd never been here. He had invited me once after he moved, but I was too hurt he moved. The only vehicle I seen in the driveway was Mason's Jeep. I can't believe he's home alone.

I got out of the car, walked up and rang the doorbell. I didn't hear much movement, so I knocked again. The next thing I know, I hear yelling, it was two different voices.

"Mason, you think just because this little brat is going to drive you back and forth from school and help with your homework, that you can bring her around here anytime you want? Well you're wrong, you're lucky your dad gave me another chance so I have to be on my best behavior."

"Olivia, I can have whoever, whenever I want over here. Dad has never told me otherwise and if it was someone in this neighborhood, you'd greet them with open arms. You are just a snob. A snob for no reason. You aren't better than anyone else!" He exclaimed.

I stood at the door and didn't know if I should ring the doorbell to remind them I was out there or wait. The door swings open and Olivia stands there in a what looked likea very expensive white sweater and blue jeans. It sucks she's a witch, she's actually gorgeous. She flashed her tight-lipped smile and stared at me.

"Don't think for one second, I won't have my eye on you Grace."

Why in the world did this woman hate me?

I could hear Mason crossing the foyer on his crutches and it seemed like forever before he would get to the door, especially under her glare. I think she smelled fear like a pissed off dog who wants to attack.

"Olivia, leave her alone. You don't have to check on me or who I talked to. You never gave a shit before." He said with an edge.

"Mason, watch your mouth!" Olivia warned. "One more word, and I'll pull the rug out from under this entire thing and you'll go back to LG with the old people and I'll have this house and your father to myself. Keep it up!"

I started to back off of the steps, I was done hearing this. Then thought differently because I knew he was on crutches.

"Grace, meet me around the side of the house, where I can walk without fear of having a broken neck on top of having a broken leg. Besides, I'm sure you want to get the hell away from her."

I couldn't agree more. I walked off the steps and walked around the side of the house. It was a big house and he was on crutches, so it took him a minute to get to the side of the house. I turned around to make sure  my car was in the best spot to get him in it and Olivia was standing there with her arms crossed in front of her. She sneered at me, shook her head and walked back up into the house.

"Hey, I'm sorry you had to hear all that." Mason said apologetically as soon as he got close enough for me to hear.

"It's okay, Mason, let's just get out of here." I said, walking as fast as I could with someone on crutches next to me would allow me to.

It didn't take long to get Mason in the car, and we were on our way. We made small talk in the car. I don't think either of us knew what to say exactly.

We got to Sherry's and I opened the door for Mason and made sure he could climb out of the car. I went and opened the door, and waited for him to enter.  He needed a booth because the cast would be too heavy to dangle from a bar stool. We sat down and took a look at the menu. I was starving. Jenny, the weekend waitress came over and gave me a wink and said hi.

"Hey you two, what can I get for you?" They both looked at me and I hadn't really made my mind up yet.

" Can you get me an iced vanilla bean latte. I don't know what I want to eat yet." She jotted it down and turned to Mason. He ordered a double bacon cheeseburger, fries and a chocolate milk shake.

She brought our drinks over and a couple glasses of water and asked me if I knew what I wanted. I took a sip of my coffee drink and finally made a decision to get the BLT with onion rings. She headed to the counter to put our order in.

"So, how exactly do you want me to help you with school and whatever else?" I started the conversation.

"Do we have to talk about this now. I don't want to talk about school on a empty stomach." He said grinning

"You always did have a massive appetite." I teased.

We talked about random stuff, like Gretchen and Ashton dating and how he thinks Reni should go out with Carter. He is well aware Carter has a crush on her, but won't approach her. I laughed, I couldn't see them a couple.

Jenny walked up and handed us our food and asked if we needed anything else. We both told her no and she walked away.

"Basically, the only thing I need help with is getting back in forth from school, help to my classes. And, as much as you may not want to right now, I am going to need to study at home."

"Is that going to be a good idea? Olivia obviously doesn't like me and seems to be making your life a living hell." I said.

"I don't care. I need to get caught up at school, I need to get my leg better, so I can play football my senior year, get a scholarship and get the hell out of this town. "

We finished eating and he paid the bill and left a hefty tip for Jenny. I don't think he was trying to show off how much money he had, he just really liked Sherry's and everyone who worked there. We told her bye and walked outside.

Grace Under Pressure (Grace Walker Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now