Chapter 22:

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I lightly knocked on the door and heard Mason say to come in. He was sitting on his couch, watching a football movie on some streaming service. The room smelled of pancake syrup and bacon, which means he must have ordered breakfast at least. And from the looks of the empty, sticky plate, he ate it already. I remember when we were kids, pancakes were his favorite breakfast.

"How's it going." He said, putting his movie on pause. Someone would have to come shortly to help him change, he was still in his PJs. He practically wears the same thing to bed I do, except he pulled it off better than I do: basketball shorts and a T-shirt. I couldn't stand wearing skimpy little nightgowns and such.

"It's fine, how's the leg?" I added.

"It's broken, he said with a grin, just kidding. It's okay. Since I'm eating now I can take the pain medicine they give me and I can actually stand on it for longer periods of time now."

"That's good, any news on when you are starting therapy?" I asked. Although he seemed a bit down the other day, I know he's anxious to start therapy so he can get out of here.

"Dr. Cook is supposed to be coming in and showing me the lastest X-rays to see the progress I've made, then that'll help them decide on the amount and what type of rehab I need. Right now, I have to stay on crutches. I'm hoping to get into a walking cast soon, so I can leave these crutches behind."

"Oh, are you afraid the ladies in Bingo will frown upon your crutches." I asked with a sly grin. Then burst out laughing.

He didn't find it as funny as I did, but he didn't seem mad.

"Anyway, I've got to get out of this apartment. Can we go somewhere. I know your mom told me I have freedom to roam, so long as I'm careful." Life Engagement's rules were you can come and go as you please, because this is retirement home, not a nursing home. But, if you are hurt or injured, or in Mason's case in rehab, you can only do so much. You can get up roam around the patio areas, go play games or read in the library and they even have arts/crafts, all of which he wasn't interested in. So it'll have to be walking around the halls and patios for now.

"Yeah, we can go out to the covered patio, where it's heated. The temp is still super cold since it snowed last night." I said.

He stood from the couch and I handed him his crutches. He grabbed his key that was attached to a lanyard and put it around his neck. We walked out into the hall so he could lock his door. The patio was on the east wing of the building, so if anyone wanted to take a cup of coffee out there in the morning, they could be there to watch the sunrise, too. There were lots of fluffy couches and arm chairs with side tables, that contained magazines and newspapers out there. There was a tv as well, but it didn't ever get used I don't think.

Mason and I walked around the parameter of the room, looking out the windows. There was a bit of an awkward silence, because well, we didn't have much in common anymore like we used to. The snow outside was bright and beautiful. There were also a few cardinals searching for food in the bird feeder before they flew off into the morning sky.

"So, be honest with me", he started, "How pissed is Reni at me still for what I did at her party?"

"I'd be lying if I said she wasn't. I did let her know when I talked to her yesterday that you were here and that I had talked to you and informed you of how big a jackass you were that night. That did make her feel a little better. But Reni is Reni, she's sweet and forgiving. You've just got to give her time." I said.

"I don't think anyone realizes how bad I was kicking myself lying in that hospital bed for what I did. It was a stupid move. But I was so pumped about the game and it was Chris' idea to go up there. So we could be on top of the world, literally. I'm not afraid of much, but he's afraid of far less. So, at the time, it sounded fun. I don't know what happened and how I fell, I just know I did. I can't get over how bad it hurt. But I don't have to tell you, you've broken your leg before." He added.

I broke my leg at the beginning of Summer last year. I was trying to be superwoman and help move some furniture for Mom and I tripped over something on the floor and the dresser I was moving fell on top of me. My injury kept me out of school for a while, but it was minor in comparison to Mason's injury. I don't know how much longer he'll be out.

"I know, I was there, I watched it all in slow motion it seemed." I said shaking my head.

"Hey, enough with the heavy stuff, you wanna play cards or something. Your Mom got me a video game console I haven't tried out yet?" He asked.

I looked at my phone, it was 10:30 "I supposed I can play some cards for now. It's close to mom's lunch hour so I don't want to get too involved in anything."

So, for the next hour or so, Mason and I played Spades and Rummy. He also had games like Skip-Bo and Uno too and we played a couple hands of those. When we were little, he used to get so pissed because I would always win at Uno. That's only because he would always play his big cards first. No strategy at all.

I looked at my watch again. 11:49. Shoot, Mom was about to head to lunch.

"Alright Mason, I'm gonna head on down to Mom's office to eat lunch. "

"Thanks Grace, if you want you can come back later. I'm gonna eat my lunch too." He smiled and lead me out his door.

Grace Under Pressure (Grace Walker Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now