Chapter 49:

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I stopped by Sherry's and grabbed Mom and me some burgers and salads. I headed home and stuck hers in the microwave and sat at the table to eat mine while I scrolled through social media. Everyone was talking about the end of school tomorrow.

I finished up and threw my trash away. Just then my phone chirped. It was Reni.

Hey what are you doing?

Nothing, sitting here, waiting on Mom to get home. I wrote back.

Oh, I'm bored. I don't know what time Mom and Daddy will be home. The girls are in their room, so I'm sitting here feeling as if I'm watching paint dry.

Lol, I'm sorry. I'm not sure what time Mom will be home, or I'd come watch with you. I said.

That's okay. They just went to a business dinner, it shouldn't be much longer. Any word from Mason on the renovations?

No, not yet. I was going to text him in a little bit. I said.

Oh, okay. Well I'll let you get back to waiting on your Mom. I'll see you tomorrow at school.

I told her bye. Right about that time, I heard Mom's keys in the door. She sat her stuff in the study and slipped out of her shoes and walked in the kitchen.

"Hey, Punkin, did you eat?" She asked.

"Yes, and I picked you up something already. It's in the microwave."

"You did? Thank you!" She said.

I sat and talked to her while she ate. I asked her about the mystery flowers and she didn't have the slightest clue who sent them.

My phone starting ringing. It was Mason.

"Hey Mason." I answered.

"Hey, Dad and I just finished up for the night. I didn't want you to think I forgot about you today. How was the rest of your day, anyhow?"

"It was okay, I went and visited Mom at work and bought us dinner and came home. How about yours?" I asked.

"Just busy is all. Olivia really had a lot of stuff and it took up a lot of space. We're going to make one of the rooms she used as her bridge room as a billiards room. Dad's doing to get a pool table and a  dartboard. He found a skee-ball machine at a decent price and some TV's. Should be pretty nice. You'll have to come by and see it."

"I'd love to, once it's finished." I said.

"Well since you ate already, you wanna go get some ice cream or a smoothie or something.?"

"Yeah, Mom will probably be okay with that as long as I don't get home too late." I told him.

"Alright, give me about a half hour and I'll pick you up."

We hung up and I told Mom what we were doing and she was fine with it.

"I missed you today." Mason grabbed my hand as we walked into the mall to grab some smoothies. It wasn't too busy, seeing since they were gonna close in about an hour.

"I missed you too." I said. "Hey, can I ask you a question?"

"Uh-oh, that isn't always a good thing." He teased.

I playfully punched him in the arm and laughed when he acted like I wounded him.

"No, it isn't bad. I wanted to know if there was a chance that your dad may still have some feelings for my mom.?"

"I don't think so. He's always talked about how much he values her friendship. So, I'm not sure if he would jeopardize that. Why what's going on?" He asked.

"Mom got a couple dozen roses at work today, with a very vague card thanking her for everything she's ever done for this person. No signature and the florist said the guy paid cash and had had the card typed, so she couldn't tell by the handwriting, and aside from your dad, she hasn't the foggiest idea who could have sent them."

"Wow, that is strange. I could ask my dad if you like." He said.

"No, I'm sure she'll find out who it is."

We got our smoothies and sat down at a table. He grabbed my hand from across the table and smiled at me.

"Tomorrow is the last day of school, can you believe it?" He asked.

"No, this year seemed to drag, until Valentine's Day and then it started flying by. I guess spending time with you has something to do with that. " I teased.

"Yeah, I think so. I hope we can still spend some time together when I'm at football camp all day. It takes a lot of energy though, so if anything, at least we can talk on the phone or eat dinner together or something." He said.

"Whatever I can get." I said. We finished up our smoothies and walked hand in hand outside. Mason opened my door so I could get in, and went around to his side to get in. He leaned over the seat to give me a quick kiss and started the car. We talked about the last day of school some more. He couldn't believe in less than a few months, he was going to be a senior.

"When I had my accident, I thought for sure I wouldn't finish my junior year in time. But, I have you to thank for that." He squeezed my hand.

"You're welcome. " I laughed.

We got to my house too quick it seemed. I gave him another small kiss and told him I'd see him at school tomorrow. He waited for me to unlock my front door, waved and drove away.

Mom was about to get in the shower when I got home.

"Did you have a good time, honey?" She asked.

"I did. I'm going to go ahead and get in my PJs and head to bed. I'll see you in the morning." I gave her a kiss on her cheek and told her goodnight. With summer coming, we will be able to see each other more than just a few minutes a day.

I ran up the stairs and got my PJs on.  I pulled my blanket down and was adjusting my pillows when my phone chirped telling me I had a text. It was Mason.

Just wanted to let you know I made it home safe. I love you.

I love you too Mason. I'll see you in the morning.

Mom came by my door when she got out of the shower and told me goodnight and walked to her room and shut her door. I plugged my phone up and put it on my bedside table, turned my light off and fell fast asleep.

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