Chapter 41:

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Gretchen and Reni stopped by on the way to the dance. They both looked absolutely breathtaking.

"Are you sure we can't convince you to come with?" Gretchen said.

"No, I think I am going to be safer at home. I don't want to hurt myself or anyone else, and I don't want to be around Mason and Bailey."

"I wish you would just recognize that you are worried you'll lose more then what you led on. Gracie if you want to date Mason, you need to speak up." Reni said.

"I don't know what I want anymore." I said picking at lint on the couch. I looked at them both and realized maybe I did want more. But, I was content with living in my own bubble.

"Regardless of how I may or may not feel, he obviously likes someone else. Like I said, I don't want to lose him as a friend, but I wouldn't dare cause a problem with him and another girl." I added.

"Just be honest with yourself, Gracie, you deserve to be happy. If it's being single or being with someone, I completely support you." said Reni.

"I think we should get going before the parking lot at the school gets too full and I have walk in these heels." Gretchen teased.

I said bye and the girls left to head to the school. I got up and decided I would go to get something from Sherry's since I knew they wouldn't be that busy this early because of the dance and Mom wouldn't be home for a bit.

I walked into Sherry's and it was just as I thought. There was only an older couple and a man that looked like a truck driver passing through inside.

I sat down at the long counter and ordered some dinner. I was tired of burgers and pizza, so I ordered some fried chicken, with the best mashed potatoes I have ever had and some sauteed vegetables. I ordered a soda too.

I heard the bell ring on the door and was too busy looking at social media to see who it was. The woman walked up and I immediately knew who it was by the putrid smell of her perfume. Olivia. She hadn't noticed me yet, so I tried to keep my head down.

"Excuse me, can I get some service please." She barked. Sherry walked over and asked her what could she get for her.

"From here, nothing. It's for my husband. I don't why he insists on eating here. I just need a Grilled chicken breast and a salad please.

She had her phone out and was talking to someone, still having yet to notice me.

Sherry walked up with my plate of food and said "Here you go Grace."

Olivia turned around so fast and told whomever was on the phone, that she had to go. She hung up and turned to me.

"Well, I guess Mason finally figured out how much of a charity case you are. I was elated to see Bailey at the front door tonight to pick him up for the dance. After all, she's more up his alley." She said with a sneer.

"Olivia, why do you hate me so much. I know about my mom and Mark, but that has nothing to do with me!"

"Let me tell you something little girl, your mom has tried to ruin my life in the past and I'll be damned if I watch another Walker trash walk into my life and get anything I have!"

"I am not trash." I said as calm as I could. Sherry walked up with Olivia's food and told her she needed to leave.

"I'm sorry honey, I don't know what that was about, but are you okay?" Sherry said with a concerned look on her face.

I told her I was okay, trying my best not to burst into tears. I paid my bill and told her not to worry. I headed home and tried to keep my cool until I reached the house, where I finally lost it. How can someone be so evil?

I walked out and seen Olivia leave so I knew it was safe to drive home. I got home in record time. I ran upstairs and buried my head in my pillow. I will not let this woman make me cry again. I got up, took a deep breath and decided to get some juice.

My phone chirped. Mom was probably letting me know she was on her way home.

Can you come get me from the dance please?

It was Mason. Why in the world was he texting me. He was out on a date.

Where is Bailey?

I couldn't exactly say no, I was driving his car! But, I was angry.

It's a long story. Can I tell you when you get me?

So, he already knew I was going to.

Mason, I will come get you, but I'm taking you home. I've had a long night and can't deal with too much more.

I left to get Mason and Mom was pulling in the driveway.

"Mason texted and asked if I could pick him up." I said.

"Didn't he go to the dance with someone. Why can't they take him home?" Mom asked.

"Not sure. I am only getting him, taking him home and I will be back on my way here."

I waved goodbye and headed to the school. The closer I got to the school, the more knots filled my stomach. What was I going to say to him? I was hurt. I had to deal with whatever feelings I had about this whole situation, the fact that he went with someone else and the run-in with Olivia.

I seen Mason standing outside the school when I got there. He looked extremely handsome. He had on a long sleeve red buttoned down shirt, black bow tie and suspenders.

Stop it! I had to tell myself. I am angry at him. I shouldn't be gawking at him.

I slowed down and parked in front of the school so he could get in.

"What is going on Mason?" I asked, not even looking at him.

"I think I made a big mistake tonight, Grace."

"What do you mean?" I probably had a bit of irritation to my voice, because, well I was irritated.

" I think I took the wrong girl to the dance."

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