Chapter 10:

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It was around 12:30 or 1 and I couldn't believe what I was witnessing. I think it would have been less shocking to see someone spike the punch and everyone get drunk. But, here I stood, staring up at Mason, acting like an idiot. Mason was a daredevil when we were kids, but this was far more dangerous. At this point, Reni is yelling for them to get down and it makes them laugh even harder. Some of the guys were being jerks and cheering them on, telling them to jump. I walked up to Reni and tried to calm her down, but it wasn't working. I know she was worried because one, she didn't want them to hurt themselves, and two, she'd be toast if something happened and her parents found out.
I think whatever she said finally made Mason and the other guy wise up, so they were acting like they were coming down. I know they were excited about their win tonight, but this is a bit ridiculous.
The other guy from the football team got down first, with no problems. Mason, on the other hand was scaling the wall to get down and his foot slipped and he fell to the ground. He wasn't too far away from it, but still enough to hurt himself. He landed on the ground on top of his left leg and you could hear the bone break. He yelled out in agony, Reni screamed and I ran to Mason's side to see if he was okay. He didn't look so good. He was in a daze.

"Mason, are you okay?" I asked.

"Are you an angel, am I dead? He asked with sheer terror in his eyes."
I looked down at my costume and back at him and "Yes, I'm an angel, but not that kind. Don't move Mason, we are calling 911 to get you some help." Next thing I know, he passed out.

The ambulance arrived in record time and took him to St. Anna's Hospital. Meanwhile, Reni had the unfortunate duty to call her parents and inform them of what was going on. She was in utter shock. They'd be there any time. We spent the next few minutes rounding up the kids and telling them the party was over and a few stuck around to help us clean up. I think they were waiting around to see if they could find out any news on Mason.

About 45 minutes later, everyone had gone home and Reni begged me to stay the night. She didn't want to have to deal with her parents until the morning and she knew if I was there, they'd wait until I left.


Her dad was on the phone with Mason's dad, checking on him and trying to get as much information about what happened to inform the insurance company. Mason's dad tried to reassure Mr. Ward that because Mason foolishly did this on his own, he wasn't going to pursue anything. Luckily, everyone's parents in this town knew each other. He got off the phone and knocked on Reni's door.

"Reni, what in the hell happened tonight?" He said angrily. So much for waiting until the morning. I tried to excuse myself, but Reni grabbed my hand and made me sit back on her bed.

"Daddy, it was Mason and Chris on the roof, not me. I didn't know they were out there until I seen all the kids hanging out outside. I swear to God I had no clue what was going on." She said through tears.

Her mother looked a bit sympathetic, but knew better than to get involved when Reni and her dad were angry with each other. She just stood in the doorway with her arms crossed and her head down.

"Serenity Ward, don't you understand that he could have died. This could have been a lot worse than some broken bones!" Her dad exclaimed. " I'm sorry honey, but after tonight, no more parties." In the meantime, Grace you can spend the night tonight, but you will have to call your mom first thing in the morning to get you. Serenity won't be hanging out or doing anything for a long time."

He then shut the door and we heard him and her mother close their bedroom door. Shortly after Reni finally quit crying, Gretchen called and said that she and Ashton went to the hospital to check on Mason and that his mom had told them he had broken his femur. He was awake, but too out of it to know the extent of his injury.

I told her thanks for letting us know. It wasnt long after that and we both fell asleep.

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