Chapter 45:

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We pulled up to Mark's law firm and got out. Mason had calmed down, but seemed to be a little anxious again. I grabbed his hand and the three of us walked up to the door. It was late, but Mark must have told security we were coming. They opened the door for us and we had to go to the second floor to get to his office. The elevator ride was short, but seemed longer because no one said a word. We got out and walked down a long hall to get to his office.

Mark James, Attorney at Law the door read. We walked in and it was quiet. No one was there since it was the weekend. He was seated at his desk with his hand on his head. He heard us walk in and jumped up really quick and walked up to Mason.

"Mason, are you okay? What the hell happened?" He said.

Mason told him the exact same thing he told Mom and me and Mark stood there and shook his head.

"How dare she blame you! This has nothing to do with you. She is using you as a scapegoat because of her own shortcomings. This marriage has been rocky for years and I just don't think that you and I deserve this anymore. I asked her to have her stuff packed by the weekend. I thought you wouldn't be home to witness it. I'm sorry, Mason, for everything. I know for years you thought I didn't care for you and chose her first, but in all actuality, I was choosing you, she was just manipulative enough to twist it and shape it into her favor. " He said.

"I'm sorry this is happening Mark, " Mom said "but she needs to quit bringing our past into the mix. I've respected her because of our friendship and that reason alone. She has upset Grace on numerous occasions and it has to stop." She said with anger in her eyes.

No one knew about the time she approached me at Sherry's when I was alone. I thought maybe now might be a perfect time.

"I have a confession to make. The night of the Valentine's dance, I was at Sherry's eating and Olivia came in and threatened me to stay away from Mason." I started to cry. "I never said anything because at the time, Mason and I were just friends. But now that we're dating, I'm afraid she's taking it out on Mason."

Mark looked at me and said "Grace, this has absolutely nothing to do with you. She is a selfish woman. She has been for years. She led me believe for years that she was the ideal woman, and she wasn't."

Mom gave me a side hug and said that this was exactly why she kept it from me that they had a past.

"Everything is out in the open now, so we can all conquer this with a clear head. Olivia has gone too far this time, putting her hands on Mason." Mom said.

"If she is for sure leaving for good, Dad, just let it go." Mason said. "I just want to move on from this. I'm 17, I shouldn't be worried about things like this."

"You're right and we will. She informed me that she has gotten most of her things and she will be at a hotel until next weekend, until she can get the rest. She also has to get a moving company to move the big stuff, but I've already talked to the firm and after finishing up here tonight, I'll be on vacation for the next couple of weeks. That way, I can be there to supervise when she's there and that you aren't there alone with her. Again, son, I'm sorry."

Mom told Mark that Mason could come back to our house with us for a little while until he's finished and just to pick him up there.

We headed out and she dropped by Sherry's to get us some coffee. She figured Mason needed it. And his dad gave him some old clothes of his, so he could change into dry clothes.

We got to the house and while Mason changed, Mom turned to me.

"Punkin, promise me if anything else happens, if any other adult talks to you with such disrespect, especially a threat, you come to me."

"I promise Mom." I said.

Mason came down a few minutes later and seemed like he'd finally calmed down. We sipped our coffee and watched TV. Mom told us to find something to watch on TV, a movie or something, because she still had some work to do in the study. So, I found a comedy to try and lift Mason's spirits. I curled up beside him and he put his arms around me and his chin on top of my head. We sat that way the whole movie. Neither one of us said a word because it wasn't needed. I was glad to see he seemed to be feeling better.


Mark came about 10:30 and knocked on the door. Mason stood up and we went to the door. I called for Mom, in case she needed to talk to him.

"Thank you Tessa, Grace, for everything. There's got to be something I can do to repay you for how good you've been to Mason?" He said.

"No, Mark, that isn't necessary. We care a lot for Mason and would do it again, if needed. But, let's hope it doesn't ever get this bad again."

"Alright Mason, I'll give you a minute to say goodnight and I'll meet you outside." Mark walked to his vehicle and started it up. He looked like he was on his phone, so he didn't seem like he was going to be impatient about Mason saying bye. Mom excused herself and went off to bed.

"Gracie, thank you for everything. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you. You've saved me from a lot this year. The only way I can express my gratitude is by telling you how I've been feeling." Mason said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Grace, I'm in love with you. I love you more than you probably love me, but that doesn't matter."

I was in utter shock. I looked him in his eyes, thinking that he made a mistake and was going to take it back, but he didn't. He was serious.

"Mason, I love you too. I've felt that way for a while now. I didn't want to ruin what we had by saying it too early. You're all I think about most of the time, and it kills me when we aren't together. " I said.

"Phew, I thought I was gonna lose you by telling you that." He chuckled.

"No, not at all. I'm not going anywhere." I said. He leaned in a softly kissed me but didn't linger on because his dad was waiting.

"Text me when you get home. I added and gave him a hug.

"I will."

He walked to his dad's car, but not before he turned around and told me he loved me again. The flip flop thing in my stomach was going off and I don't think, up until this moment, I have ever been so happy.

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