[44] The Training Montage

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A/N: since we're moving to the military environment, I'm going to turn up the language intensity, so do not be caught off-guard with a sudden increase in cursing and swearing.


*Your POV*

One very long train journey later, you were finally in the South Gyeongsang Province city of Jinju. Compared to the early morning of Seoul when you left, it was significantly warmer and a little bit more humid, explained by just how far south you had travelled already. And now that it was just the end of the weekday morning rush hour, it was significantly more busy as well.

Among all of the businesspeople and students that were making their morning commutes, you stood with your singular backpack on your way to the military base for basic training. To the untrained eye, you just looked like maybe a college student going to campus, which in a sense you were going for a form of education. Unfortunately for you, the day's travel was not over yet, because there was one last bus ride to the military base that was leaving from the local recruitment centre.

The comfort of the train seat was just a distant memory, because once you were aboard the military bus, it was no longer the cloth seats and the background track of the train along the rails, but the squeak and rattle of the bus hitting every single bump in known existence on the road.

Looking out of the window, it was a strange blend of familiar and unfamiliar. Sure, it was an urban setting like you were used to back in Seoul, but it was a city where you had never been before. And on top of that, there was this nervousness in the air both from your uncertainty as well as everyone's around you on board the bus.

Another pain-staking hour of riding on the bus later, you finally saw the first signs of military life: barbed wire on top of very high steel walls, beige concrete buildings, and a whole lot of people dressed in olive green and camouflage. Once the bus went through the gates, that was the point of no return: you were going into the military.

"Alright, gentlemen. Line up in two lines outside with your belongings." A man in uniform announced as soon as he stepped on board.

'Well, here it goes.' You thought as you stepped off of the bus. Once your eyes were no longer blinded by the bright sunlight, you saw the groups of people dressed in all sorts of clothing, all here for the same purpose of fulfilling their enlistment duties and military responsibilities.

"Come on, slowpokes, get your asses moving!" One of the sergeants shouted at a group from a different bus.

"2 lines! Get in 2 lines!" Another yelled.

The next few minutes was an almost incomprehensible mess of people running and being shouted at. But eventually, all of the recruits were evenly lined up in front of a stage and podium presumably where a commanding officer would be giving a speech and some other organisational things. While you stood in place, you looked around and quickly realised that it really was a hodgepodge of people: people dressed in simple clothing to expensive suits and streetwear, teenagers and more veteraned people showing their age, and people varying heights.

"Attention!" One of the higher ranking officers announced, standing at the stage. Once he was satisfied that everyone in the audience was standing at firm attention, an older and well-decorated officer stood behind the podium ready to make his speech.

"Gentlemen, welcome to your new lives. I am Master Sergeant Han Byungjoon, and I, alongside my team of officers and sergeants, will be overseeing your training. Over the next several weeks, you will be taught how to think, act, and behave as a soldier fitting for this nation. You will be taught combat basics and procedures, and should you survive the training period, be distributed among the various branches of this nation's military."

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