[45] Service Begins

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*Your POV*

After your very arduous and eventful run on the Gauntlet the night before, you had the best sleep you had in a long while once you were brought back to your barracks. Sure you stank of nature and sweat, but you really couldn't care less, to the dismay of your barrackmates who felt bad for your misfortunes but were not all too pleased about the stench.

"Hnn... What time is it?" You groaned out, waking up to the sun shining directly on your face.

"Hey Kwon, sarge was in here earlier looking for you. Said to go to his quarters when you were up." A fellow recruit in the room told you. "And take a shower before you go too."

"T-thanks." You replied simply before catching a whiff of yourself, making you cringe. "And sorry for making you all put up with this all night."

After your apology was simply waved off, you left for the shower rooms, and with a very fast rinse-down, you were back in a clean set of recruit garb and walking with haste towards your commanding officer's room in the back of the barrack.

*knock knock* You quickly knocked on the door, trying not to keep him waiting longer than needed.

"Enter." You heard a gruff voice call summon you inside, but not the voice you were expecting. Once you opened the door, you quickly saw that it was your Sergeant Min Kitae as well as Master Sergeant Han Byungjoon himself. Immediately, you went into a very firm salute towards your commanding officers.

"At ease son." The Master Sergeant returned a salute of his own before motioning for you to sit down.

"Apologies for making you two wait." You apologised to the superiors in the room.

"Thanks for taking a shower before coming." Kitae commented low-key.

"So I've been told you and a fellow recruit had quite an evening yesterday." The Master Sergeant began.

"Nothing that didn't prepare us for the field." You returned. "But that's certainly one way to put it."

"Haha, you certainly don't lack in the modesty department. You were right, Sergeant." The Master Sergeant chuckled before continuing. "Anyways, you and Nam Hyunjin did well to adapt and overcome your, erm, rather advanced training program."

"I'd say that getting sent down a river is advanced." Kitae commented quietly.

"Enough, son. You've made your disdain very clear already." The Master Sergeant held up his hand, stopping the comment in its tracks. "Speaking of comments, I would like to hear any that you may have." He turned towards you.

"Do you want the unfiltered version, or the safe-for-work one?"

"Lay it all out, son. This is probably the only time you'll ever be able to do this in a military base."

"Well, I don't remember much from when they untied the rope bridge. They did seem overly cocky and competitive when we began the run, but again, the shock of it all kind of just overwhelmed everything. But seeing their Sergeant at the finish line really pissed me off to say the least." You admitted honestly, getting upset at remembering what had happened the night before. "If I wasn't so damn exhausted, I probably would've swung at him and his stupid fucking grin, I won't lie."

"I can hardly blame you. He always rubbed people the wrong way. They won't be an issue moving forward though." The Master Sergeant commented.

"What happened to the marines? If you don't mind me inquiring further." You asked, curious about their outcome.

"The two that had sabotaged you spent last night scrubbing the bathrooms with a toothbrush until late into the night, and left their barracks in handcuffs early this morning to disciplinary isolation. We're just waiting for a formal court-martial process to begin. As for their sergeant, demoted and fined on top of facing the same misconduct discharge order as his recruits. Essentially, their time with the ROK military is done." He explained.

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