Chapter 10

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(Hi guys, sorry for the discomfort.. I was confused by the name of the ex-husband. It's actually 韩晤:Hán Wù which translates in english to Han Mei or Han Yu. So from now on i will stick to Han Wu..)

After receiving the liquidated damages compensated by Shen Qian, Ke Xi immediately notified the senior management of the company. When the senior management of the company received the news and liquidated damages, they immediately notified Han Wu.

After two weeks of divorce, Han Wu is not idle. As a front-line actor in the entertainment industry, he needs to run the crew, promote new dramas, shoot magazines, and participate in endorsement product activities every day...

In the past two weeks, he has saved all the quarterly announcements. After running, I actually got half a day's free time. This kind of idleness is very fatal, which reminds him of Shen Qian.

Up to now, Han Wu doesn't feel that he has done something wrong. As he said, this is the punishment Shen Qian deserves.

He persuaded himself like this, calmed down his restlessness, and didn't think about the way she left the house. Shen Qian looked at him.

A woman's eyes are beautiful, like the brightest star in the night sky, always full of inexhaustible love and innocence. Even after a year of marriage, she will be shy when communicating with him.

Memories can be reversed.

If you touch a little, it may bite you, make you addicted to it, and then take the opportunity to devour you. Immerse yourself in joy and pain...

This pain annoyed Han Wu.

He wanted Shen Qian's pain, but unexpectedly, the pain came to him first. The pain breeds stronger hatred. Han Wu contacted Shen Qian's company and asked Shen Qian to attend his engagement banquet by name.

Shen Qian loves him.

This is Shen Qian's weakness, a handle, and Han Wu's deep comfort.

Although the two will not be together again, it is thought that Shen Qian still loves him deeply, and his heart will not be so tight.

As long as she still loves him, he can make Shen Qian taste what she loves but can't. This is bitterer and heavier than drinking traditional Chinese medicine that has been boiled for three days in vain.

He has always thought so, so when he got Shen Qian's liquidated damages, he finally had some pleasure and feeling of revenge. This pleasure and feeling led him here. He wants to be humilated and stimulated again in the face of Shen Qian, watching her collapse and see her go crazy.

However, the facts are not satisfactory.

He couldn't see Shen Qian's collapse and madness. On Shen Qian's face, he couldn't even see a little sadness. The woman who loved him deeply in the bone marrow was radiant at this time, and she smiled skillfully feeding the man behind her and eating her favorite flavor of potato chips. Since they entered the corridor, their laughter has not stopped. It seems that they have known each other for a long time and their affection seems to be long.

His hands were clenched, and his bones turned white. Han Wu put his hand in his pocket. The swept over his heart and sourness made him look tense and his eyes like swords.

The harmony between Shen Qian and Lu Chen disappeared after seeing Han Wu.

Standing under the steps at the door of her house, she looked up at the heartless man, with her heart like confined in a tightening cage, which made her chest chill.

I haven't seen you for two weeks. Han Wu is still the shiny Han Wu.

A meticulous hairstyle, decent and exquisite clothes, and a handsome face that always comes into her dream.

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