Chapter 14

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After going to the Black Forest, Shen Qian buried herself in eating. Xianxian took a look at her eating, then looked at the snickers of several people on the next table, and sighed heavily.

"Look at this." Xianxian handed Shen Qian a screenshot of the information she checked about Ludao and told her, "Lu Chen is a rich second generation. This island should be in his father's name. His father is a painter and his paintings are expensive. Before you die, paintings can be sold at such a high price, tut-tsk."

Xianxian sighed, Shen Qian ate the cake and pulled the mobile phone screen.

In addition to the information of Ludao, there are also a few paintings on the screenshot. Shen Qian pointed to a painting quoted at 58 million yuan and a painting of 36 million yuan and said to Xianxian.

"It seems that these are two paintings hanging in my room."

Fairy: "!!!"

After saying that, Shen Qian handed her mobile phone to Xianxian and smiled at her. Her teeth were covered with black chocolate, which added a delicate way to her.

Looking at her friend's picture, she didn't know anything and asked nothing. She was so innocent that people wanted to pat her on the face of a cake. Xianxian sighed and said, "You pay the bill today."

"But I don't have any money with me." Shen Qian said honestly.

Xianxian: "..."

The two of them were poor for a while, and the immortals became serious and also asked Shen Qian questions about Lu Chen yesterday. She doesn't read too many romance novels. In fact, in the advertising industry, many people in contact with them are powerful and rich. When it comes to children's problems, they only care about blood relationship in the end, not care about whether they are mistress or four. Dog blood in rich families is mostly related to looting children.

Xianxian's worry was based on facts. Shen Qian carefully repeated what Lu Chen told her and Xianxian. Xianxian suddenly felt strange.

"Is it..."

Speaking of this "Mo Fei", the fairy's tail sound rose, her eyes turned, and she got up to the table next door, which was still whispering. The next table immediately withdrew its eyes, picked up the cup and drank coffee, and immediately there was no sound.

Xianxian glanced at them diagonally, sneered in her nose, skimmed over magazines on the bookshelf, pulled out one, and returned to her seat to sit down.

Her mouth did not stop. Shen Qian looked at Xianxian and looked at the magazine in her hand seriously. She lowered her head slightly and saw the cover of the magazine. Several tall and handsome elite men in suits on the cover wrote the word "Plutocrat" over their heads.

Chaebol Magazine, as the name implies, is a first-class financial magazine and a first-class gossip magazine. Each issue above will have a special topic of Diamond King Laowu. These men not only have money and ability, but also look good.

This magazine is not only a daydreaming publication for teddy bears and accompanying girls, but also a sign for celebrities from major families to choose sons-in-law.

"What does Lu Chen do?" Xianxian looked at Lu Chen's speech, unlike the rich second-generation naughty child who usually only spends money to pick up girls, he should also have a field of expertise and is outstanding in that field.

"He typed code." Shen Qian saw that Xianxian looked solemn and unconsciously felt a little nervous. "What's the big deal?"

Regarding the IT industry, Chaebol has a special topic. The first page of the special topic is a special interview with Jin Fei, vice president of PO Group. Turn back a few pages, and they are all high-rise photos of unmarried high-end groups in major IT industries.

I Don't Know The Depth (不知深浅)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant