Chapter 22

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The blood vessels entangled in her heart dispersed in an instant, and the depression in her chest disappeared. Shen Qian smiled with a slight hook at the corners of her lips.

The fireworks are still going on, and Shen Qian didn't continue to disturb Lu Chen. Say goodbye to him, Shen Qian hung up the phone, wrapped her down jacket and looked at the endless fireworks in the sky.

When the biggest and brightest fireworks were released, Shen Qian's mobile phone suddenly ringed again. She lowered her head and took out the mobile phone to see it. It was a strange number in City B.

Shen Qian wondered for a moment.

There are not many classmates I contacted with her in City B, and several good relationships also have each other's numbers. What's wrong with this strange number? Did any classmates change their numbers to pay a New Year call to her?

"Hey." Shen Qian pressed to answer, put her mobile phone in her ear and whispered "feed".

There were endless fireworks, and the intermittent sound of firecrackers began to ring. Unlike the noise at this end, there is as silent as water and there is no sound.

"Hey?" Shen Qian frowned and answered again.

The other end of the phone is still dead.

At night, in the bright light, Shen Qian played a fierce spirit. I didn't care much. I muttered "Wrong number" and hung up the phone without hesitation.

Outside the community not far from Shen Qian, fireworks were on the ground. A man in a hat quietly looked at the piles of fireworks boxes in front of him, looked at the No. 3 Middle School in the distance, and put down the phone silently.

The bell of the New Year rang, and the people downstairs gradually gathered.

The sleeping children were wrapped around the big man carrying tributes and carrying firecrackers, shouting and smiling at the dark sky.

Shen Qian remembered that when she was a child, during the Spring Festival at her grandma's house, her grandfather held her supplies with a curtain made of sorghum poles. She wrapped around her grandfather and clamored whether she could wear new clothes with Li Yumo to pay a New Year call to her relatives' house tomorrow.

In a blink of an eye, she was about to be the mother of the child, and her grandfather had passed away for many years.

Time is always old, and they are always scattered.

There is nothing sadd and helpless in life than this.

"Qian Qian, go downstairs with dad."

Shen Jiayou put the newly cooked dumplings on the curtain, went to the cabinet to get the newly bought firecrackers, and shouted Shen Qian, who was blowing cold on the balcony.

In retrospect, Shen Qian wrapped her down jacket tremblingly and went to the living room to pick up the curtain.

After going downstairs, she hung firecrackers on bamboo poles, covered the curtains on the stone steps surrounding the tree in the community, and Shen Qian put yellow paper on the ground and lit it on fire. Shen Jiayou picked up firecrackers and clicked it.

The crackling sound shook the eardrums. The father and daughter watched the firecrackers fall and burst. Shen Jiayou picked up the bamboo pole and waved at Shen Qian.

"Qian Qian, bid farewell to the old and welcome the new. Last year, all the unhappy things disappeared, and there will be a new atmosphere in the New Year.

Hearing Shen Jiayou's words, Shen Qian, wrapped in the cold wind, exhaled a breath of heat, her heart beat smoothly and soothingly, and her heart was warm and dry. Thinking of Shen Jiayou setting off firecrackers alone last year, or with her mother, Shen Qian's eyes floated with a layer of water mist.

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