Chapter 27

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The repairman arrived at Han Wu's room as quickly as possible. As a distinguished guest, the hotel did not dare to neglect. When he checked in his room, he found that the remote control was out of power. After Jason thanked the master, he told him that the air conditioner in room 708 was broken.

Han Mei kept his face cold when the master came in. After listening to Jason, the master immediately carried the toolbox, sweating profusely, and went to the Shen Qian room with the little girl at the front desk.

After Shen Qian went back, Yang Zexin told her that someone brought her dinner. There was porridge and green vegetables on the table, according to her taste, Shen Qian thought of Han Wu and Jason in the hall.

What the hell is he trying to do?

This question has been lingering in Shen Qian's mind for a long time. But usually, she only thinks about it when Han Wu does something to her that she doesn't understand.

After thinking about it, do what you need to do.

As soon as the script was unfolded, there was a knock on the door outside the room. Shen Qian thought it was her aunt who came to deliver the quilt, but when she opened the door, she found that it was the girl at the front desk and the master repairman with a gloomy face.

"The air conditioner in your room is really broken." The little girl at the front desk looked bad, but she didn't dare to get angry. She asked a question. After getting a positive answer, she watched the repairman fix it.

The repairman was a middle-aged man in his forties with a kind expression. The air conditioner is relatively new, but there are some minor problems, it can be used after cleaning.

Shen Qian thanked the repairman, and the repairman said, "It's okay, it's my job. Is there any problem? No problem, I'm going to dinner."

It's past dinner time now, and Shen Qian feels embarrassed. Thinking of the dinner that Jason brought, I took it to the master.

The name of the restaurant was written on the packaging box, and the price was high. The repairman thanked her twice and accepted it. After all, when he goes back now, he has nothing to eat.

After the air conditioner was repaired, Yang Zexin was also happy, and hurriedly called her boyfriend.

When the young couple was on the phone, the sweetness could flow out from the words and expressions, which infected Shen Qian. Shen Qian was swiping Weibo with her mobile phone, thinking of Lu Chen all the time.

The same crew set up a group on WeChat, and notifications were sent directly to the group. After Shen Qian entered, another crew member added her alone. After Shen Qian agreed, she was notified.

"At seven o'clock tomorrow morning, gather at the entrance of the hotel and go to the shooting site to shoot."

Shen Qian was excited when she received the news. After replying, I watched the script nervously for a long time, and finally fell asleep with the script.

At six o'clock set by the alarm clock, Shen Qian got up and went to the bathroom to vomit for a long time. After a while, I have to take the bus. Shen Qian only ate a piece of dry bread for breakfast, and she didn't dare to drink water, so she got on the bus and waited.

As soon as she got in the car, Lu Chen called. Shen Qian was used to his greetings. When she was on Ludao, there were so many people waiting on her, and Lu Chen couldn't help calling her after she woke up.

Shen Qian may not know it herself, but the expression on her phone with Lu Chen is no different from Yang Zexin.

When Han Wu on the bus, he saw Shen Qianzheng talking on the phone with a sweet face about what she was going to shoot today, with high spirits, bright eyes, indescribably energetic and charming.

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