Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Soul Eater or Blue exorcist, I only own my OCs and the story idea.

Chapter 1:

                                                               ~ ~70 years later~~

Death the Kid shot up in his bed as his alarm clock went off at 8:00 am. The young, 15 year old reaper was covered in a cold sweat from his latest nightmare, a recurring dream of a past he wanted desperately to forget. The dream had been of the moment one of his closest friends had cursed him,sentencing him to a life dealing with insanity.

Kid looked around his room making sure everything was still perfectly symmetrical as he slowed his racing heart. Once he was calm enough, he got out of his bed, straightening his messy sheets, and went towards his closet to put on his symmetrical black suit with white squares going down the center and near the sleeves. After putting on his clothes for the day, the young reaper went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth and combed his horribly asymmetric hair with three horizontal white stripes on the left side. Finally, Kid put on his skull tie, the symbol of his father, Lord Death.

Kid left his bedroom and walked down the symmetrical hallways of Gallows Manor, straightening picture frames along the way. He finally arrived at the large kitchen in the manor, which was currently occupied by his two weapons, the Thompson sisters. The youngest of his weapon partners, Patty, was currently eating a large stack of pancakes that were drowned in syrup with a glass of hot chocolate next to her. Patty had bright blonde hair that went to her chin and bright blue eyes. She usually acted very childishly, but could be serious when necessary. Liz, the older of the two sisters, was sitting across from her sister eating eggs and bacon with coffee. The older Thompson sister had dirty blonde hair that went past her shoulders and blue eyes similar to her sister, although they were slightly darker. Liz was also significantly taller than her sister, as well as her meister. Both girls were dressed similarly in red sleeveless half-shirts with high collars and white ties, Patty wore dark blue jean shorts while Liz wore long jeans in a similar color to her sister's. They both also wore similar black boots and white and blue cowboy hats.

Kid had taken both girls off the streets of Brooklyn two years ago and they'd been his partners ever since. Yet despite how long they had all lived together, Kid had never told Liz and Patty about his past.

Kid paused in the doorway and looked at his two weapons as they ate, his gaze remained on his older weapon slightly longer than it should have, before he snapped out of his trance and noticed how Patty's pancakes leaned slightly to the right. He could feel it creeping up on his mind, the madness taking over his brain, causing him to have another symmetry fit. Kid tried to fight off the rising panic and forced his sight to the perfectly symmetrical black and white tiles of the floor. Once the feeling of the oncoming attack had passed, Kid walked into the kitchen, drawing the attention of the two girls.

"Morning, Kid", Liz said, looking at her meister while she sipped her coffee.

"Good morning, girls." Kid replied, as he went and fixed himself a mug of tea, and fighting the madness within.


Liz and Patty walked on either side of Kid as he rolled along in his skateboard, Beelzebub, heading towards the DWMA. Soon the three arrived and met up with the rest of their group. Maka Albarn was talking with their friend Tsubaki Nakatsukasa, wearing her usual plaid skirt, yellow sweater, black coat and combat boots, with her ash blonde hair in her signature pigtails. Tsubaki was in her usual tan, Japanese style  dress with a star stitched on and her long black hair in a high ponytail. Maka's weapon, Soul "Eater" Evans, stood to the side in his orange shirt, gray jeans, leather jacket and his spiky white hair held back by a thin black headband.

"Yahoo!", the last member of the group, Black*Star, jumped down and landed next to Soul. His blue hair spiked out like a star and he wore his sleeveless, high collar black shirt and his white pants.

Kid couldn't help but remember the last group of friends he had, and wish that he could see some of them again.

The group all made their way to the EAT class, none of them realizing what would come in the future or how much they would discover about the young reaper they were friends with.

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