Chapter 17

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Soul Eater or Blue exorcist, I only own my OCs and the story idea.

A week had passed since they had all arrived at the camp and began training. Maka and the other humans had improved greatly in fighting against the acute senses and incredible abilities that all Death creatures possessed, as well as handling element-based attacks.

Mephisto and Amaimon had helped them improve their speed and agility using the obstacle courses and the rock wall in the training area. While Kid and Sally taught them new fighting techniques in the arena, focusing on both offense and defense. Black*Star had managed to hold his own against some forms of Kid's Death God Martial Arts, which the young assassin celebrated for a while before being hit with a fire ball.

The group was in the gym using the extensive amount of equipment there to improve their strength when they heard a blaring alarm.

"What is that?" Tsubaki asked, shouting to be heard over the loud ringing.

"I'm not sure, but we should go check it out." Mephisto said, feeling as if something wasn't right.

Everyone dropped what they had been doing, the weights Kid and Amaimon had been using noisily crashing to the floor, and ran outside. They all watched as Death creatures rushed around them, almost in a panic, towards the dark forest near the back of the camp. They saw Drake amidst the chaos and ran over to him.

"What's going on? What does that alarm mean?" Sally asked, struggling not to get swept up in the crowd of Death creatures behind her.

Drake looked at them gravely.

"The camp's under attack." he said, "Daemon's invading."

While the others froze in shock, Kid turned and glared murderously at the forest, where he assumed Daemon would be. Kid ran towards the edge of the forest, intent on facing Daemon, pushing people out of his way. Patty was the first to come out of her shock and dragged everybody else after Kid.

When they had all reached the edge of the tree line, they saw an all out war between the Death creatures. Many were using their fangs to bite heir opponents, others used claws to deeply wound theirs. Daemon's fighters were all wearing bright yellow armor and using their electrified weapons to bring down the members of the camp. Then they noticed that not all of the campers were fighting Daemon's forces, a majority of them were fighting their fellow campers and joining Daemon's side.

"Soul." Maka said, holding out her hand. Soul transformed in a flash of white light, landing as a scythe in his meister's hand.

"Tsubaki, enchanted sword mode." Black*Star ordered.

"Right." Tsubaki transformed and landed in his hands as black markings spread over his body.

Maka and Black*Star both rushed into battle, their gazes set on the yellow-armored creatures before them. Amaimon, Mephisto, and Sally followed shortly after, using their elemental powers to take down their enemies and assist their allies.

"Liz, Patty!" Kid yelled. Both girls transformed, landing in his hands, as he joined the fight. Kid used a combination of his martial arts skills and firing his soul wavelength to bring down his opponents.

At one point during the fight, Kid and Mephisto were back to back.

"Daemon will be further into the forest." Kid said.

"Yeah, I think the other campers can handle the situation here for now. You go on ahead, I'll get the others and we'll be right behind you."

With that they separated. Mephisto to go and get the others and Kid charging into the line of black trees. One of Daemon's soldiers tried to slice him with an electric-charged sword, but Kid bent backwards sliding under it, managing to only receive a small cut on his left cheek. Once under the weapon, he swiftly turned around and kicked the soldier in the spine, sending him to the ground.

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