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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Soul Eater or Blue exorcist, I only own my OCs and the story idea.

Shout out to rebbica007 for guessing where the syringe went.

The group of Death creatures and humans walked out of the base and into the bright afternoon sunshine. The Death creatures separated from the rest to say their goodbyes.

"Now that Daemon's gone, what'll the Death Pack do?" Amaimon joked.

"Same things we did before Daemon betrayed us." Kid said, placing on hand on the Demon's shoulder. "We all still need to return to our homes and complete our training, but I think we could all keep in contact more now."

"You better contact us!" Sally yelled, hugging her cousin tightly.

"I will." Kid promised, holding up the black arrowhead charm once Sally let him go.

"We should all go skateboarding sometime!" Amaimon said , excitedly.

"Or to the beach." Mephisto suggested, "And you can bring your friends over there, Kid."

"Alright, that sounds good. I'll see you guys later, then?" Kid asked, high-fiving Mephisto.

They all nodded before Mephisto summoned a shadow portal and the Water Sprite and three Demons disappeared through it. Maka and the others walked up to Kid as the portal disappeared.

"Kiddo, can we go home now?" Patty asked, looking at her meister.

"yeah, let's go." Kid said, summoning a portal back to Death City. The seven DWMA students and Cerberus walked through the portal and appeared on the edge of the city. Liz looked up at Cerberus.

"Uh, Kid? What are we going to do with your... dog?" she asked looking at the young Reaper. Kid looked at his familiar.

"Cerberus, Shrink!" he ordered. The Demon Dog began to shrink down until it was the size of a normal puppy, except with three heads. "I was thinking he could stay here with us."

"Yay! A pet~!" Patty yelled, childishly. Patty then looked at the others, slyly. "We'll all go get pet supplies!"

Patty then picked up Cerberus and dragged Soul, Maka, Tsubaki, and Black*Star away. The others protested, but were unable to stop the youngest Thompson sister. This left Kid and Liz alone. Liz blushed and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She knew what her sister was trying to do. She turned around to look at Kid and noticed he was staring at her.

"So, where do we go from here?" Liz asked, turning away from her meister again. "Since you know how I feel now."

"It's like I said Liz, I love you too. So, hopefully, we could form a relationship as more than meister-weapon and friends." Kid replied, blushing to the point where the tips of his ears were on fire, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'd like that, Kid." Liz said softly, turning back around and seeing the blush on the Reaper's face. Kid moved closer to the weapon girl, leaning up as she leaned down towards the shorter boy and kissed him. The kiss was soft and gentle as Kid wrapped his arms around Liz's waist and she wrapped hers around his neck.

Rin was surrounded by endless darkness.

Where am I? Who am I? he thought.

Suddenly the darkness was replaced with bright memories, showing him as a little kid playing with his twin brother, Yukio, while Father Fujimoto watched them. Then the scene changed and he was at a camp with a purple-haired guy and a green-haired guy.

My half-brother, Mephisto and Amaimon.

Then his memories showed him meeting a guy with gold eyes and black hair with three white half-stripes and a girl with black hair and blue highlights.

Kid and Sally.

The memories flashed by. Him meeting Kuro, Daemon's betrayal, returning to True Cross. the accident, finding out about his father seventy years later, and losing Father Fujimoto. Then he was shown his time as Daemon's prisoner and being injected by the Elf. After that the darkness returned.

I am Rin Okumura, my brothers are Yukio, Mephisto, and Amaimon. My friends are Death the Kid and Sally Waters. I am the son of Satan.

Rin woke up in a bright room on a soft couch. He looked around and saw a large desk near one wall in front of large windows. A large screen TV and more couches were on the opposite side of the room. The Koma sword was propped up against the wall at the foot of the couch he was on. Across from him a large door was placed in the center of the wall.

The door opened, startling the half-Demon, and Mephisto and Amaimon walked in. The purple-haired Demon noticed Rin sitting up on the couch and smiled at him.

"Ah, you're finally awake! Well then, you should know that Shiro Fujimoto left you and your brother under my care, and that you'll be enrolled in my academy." Mephisto explained, walking towards his large desk and sitting in the plush chair.

"Father Fujimoto was an exorcist, right?" Rin asked, to which Mephisto raised an eyebrow and nodded. "Then I'll become one too!"

"And if you became an exorcist , what would you do?" Mephisto watched Rin carefully, wondering what his response would be.

"I'll kill Satan, brother!" Rin said, determined.

Mephisto chuckled quietly, before full-on laughing at the younger Demon's claim. "I would love to see you try."

"Brother?" Amaimon asked looking at Rin, who smirked at the green-haired Demon. "You remember?!"

"Yeah, whatever you guys did to free me from Daemon's control must have brought back my memories from before the accident." Rin explained, remembering something from when he was being held captive by Daemon. "How's Kid?"

"He's fine. Daemon did get control over him for a while though. We managed to get him back under control and Sally's talking to him now. Apparently, he's got a new girlfriend, a human one."

Rin glanced at his brother in shock.

Human? No way!

"So, I guess relations between humans and Death creatures can improve, huh? Daemon was wrong." Rin chuckled quietly.

"Yeah. Anyway, I'll let you enroll in the Cram School and become an exorcist, little brother, but you know that you have to keep the fact that you're half-Demon a secret." Mephisto said.

"I know."

Amaimon stretched before walking over to a corner of the office. He summoned a shadow portal and turned around, sticking a lollipop in his mouth.

"Well, I should return to Gehenna now. Bye, brothers!" Amaimon then jumped through the portal, while Rin and Mephisto waved at him.


Night fell on Camp Immortal Death. The campers retired to their cabins and all lights were turned off... except for one.

The office was quiet as a lone figure sat at the large desk in the center of the room, filling out some paper work. The calm, quiet atmosphere was broken when a tube appeared over the desk from the ceiling and deposited two items on top of the mahogany desk.

The figure looked up from his work and examined the two objects. The first object was an ordinary syringe filled with a dark red liquid. The figure was not surprised by this, he had been expecting to receive the Reaper's blood. The second object, however, was not expected. It was a scrap of dark black fabric, torn and soaked with blood. Although shocked by the arrival of this particular object, the figure knew what he was supposed to do with it.

"So, Kid and the others won this round. But, they won't expect what we have planned next. In the end we shall win, Lord Storm" Drake Shi Said, picking up the two objects and storing them in the container he had prepared earlier.


Phantom: So that's the end of this story. Give us a couple of weeks to post the first chapter of the sequel.

Storme: Thanks for all the support for our work!

Death the Kid's CurseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora