Chapter 19

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Soul Eater or Blue exorcist, I only own my OCs and the story idea.

Liz sat on her bed in Cabin 8, watching Sally as she worked to locate Kid. Liz thought back to all of her memories with Kid.



Liz noticed the perfect target on the streets of Brooklyn. A young brat in a suit walking through their territory. Patty smiled at her and transformed into a pistol, landing in Liz's hand.

Liz followed silently behind the kid until he turned into another alley and she pinned him against the wall, pointing the gun at his pale neck.

"Give us your money, punk." she said, trying to intimidate the pale kid with the strangely colored hair. The boy's hair was a silky midnight black color with three bright white stripes on the left side of his head that stopped in a perfectly straight line. Patty laughed at the kid and Liz could hear it through their resonance.

The boy looked at her with strange two-toned gold eyes, not even flinching. The kid was too calm for someone who had a gun pressed to his throat and was facing the Thompson sisters. He should have been crying for his mom and handing over all the money he had at this point.

"Hello, Elizabeth. Where might your sister be?" the brat said, perfectly composed, eyeing the gun in her hand.

Liz was unnerved by the brat's calmness, this wasn't going as planned. Liz once again tried to intimidate the kid, but he stayed as calm as ever.

"My name is Death the Kid, and my father would like to speak with you and your sister." he said, looking into her eyes. Gold to blue.

Liz turned and fled, realizing she had just tried to mug a Reaper and she had to get out of there to protect Patty.


Liz ran through the alleys of Brooklyn, dragging Patty by her arm as they tried to lose their pursuers. Patty held an envelope full of money as they ran.

The men chasing them fired their guns , the bullets skimming the ground near the girls' feet. Liz and Patty ran into an area full of empty warehouses. Liz tried to open the doors, finding them locked, as she avoided the men.

The girls had gotten on the bad side of a powerful mob boss and had stolen some cash from him. Now his entire mob was after the two girls.

Liz found an unlocked door to one of the warehouses. She pulled Patty inside.

"We're safe now." Liz breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are you now?" The two girls turned and saw an army of men armed with guns, knives, clubs, and bats. The mob boss they had robbed stood in front of the group of men. "Now, give me the money and I might forget this whole thing."

"No way! Sis, transform!" Patty yelled, sticking her tongue out at the mob boss.

"But, Patty-!" Liz said, worried about her little sister.


Liz transformed in a flash of pink light and landed in Patty's hand as a pistol, exactly like her sister. Just as both the mob and the sisters were about to start firing a voice called out, making everyone freeze in place.

"Such perfect symmetry! You both are so amazing!"

The creepy pale kid with the strange hair the Thompsons had tried to mug earlier walked calmly in between the girls and the mob, smiling at both the Thompsons.

Liz transformed back into her human form and pushed Patty behind her to protect her from the Reaper.

"Who is this brat?!" the mob boss yelled.

"I'm going to need you to refrain from harming these girls, leave now." the kid said calmly.

"Hell no!" the mob boss yelled again, "Men, get him, then the Demon Sisters!"

The mob prepared to attack the strange boy, who sighed quietly before disappearing from sight. Liz and Patty watched in awe as the mob began to drop one by one until none were left. Then to Liz's horror and Patty's amusement the strange kid stood atop the mob, which was in an orderly stack.

What do you want with us?!" Liz asked, terrified.

"You two are perfectly symmetrical. Absolutely beautiful!" the kid began, causing Liz to blush. "I would like you two to become my weapon partners and be my right and left hands and help me balance the world."

"Sis, can we go with him?" Patty asked


Two months later, Liz and Patty met Lord Death in order to be released from their probation and officially become Kid's weapon partners. Lord Death had asked Kid to wait in the hall while he spoke to the Thompsons alone. Liz stared into the cartoonish face of Death and swallowed nervously.

"You do realize how dangerous the position you're taking is, right?" Death began, "You could both be hurt or possibly even killed while on missions, especially as a Reaper's weapons. Are you sure you want to take this job?"

"Yes!" Patty agreed, excitedly. Liz remained silent.

Death looked at Liz while she thought.

Liz realized that Patty was happier here with Kid and safer too. They had food and shelter and clothes and Kid protected them, not that they ever needed it. They had everything they could want.


"Alright then!" Lord Death clapped his large hands together and made a table with two shot glasses and a bottle appear. The sisters watched as the Grim Reaper poured the liquid from the bottle into the shot glasses and it glowed a warm gold color.

"Drink this, it will bond both your lifespans to my son's. So that as long as you don't die in battle, you'll live as long as Kid, and age the same way as well."

Both sisters took a glass and drank the liquid. A soft gold glow surrounded their bodies and they felt more powerful now.

Kid walked back into the Death Room and the sisters began their new lives as Kid's partners.

End Flashback


Liz came back to reality when she heard Sally call out.

"I found it! I know where the base is."

Everyone prepared for battle before leaving the cabin and setting off into the woods.


Maka and the others crouched in some bushes outside Daemon's base. They were trying to scope out the area and strategize their attack. Then they heard Daemon's voice over a speaker system in the base.

"Welcome, my friends and you miserable humans!' There's no point in hiding, so come on out!"

"Daemon!" Mephisto yelled, "It doesn't matter what you do to stop us, we'll beat you. So come out and face us, you coward!"

"I'll face you, fine. But, first you'll have to get through my little surprise!"

"Surprise?" Sally asked.

They all watched as the door of the base opened and a figure in black walked out. Three white stripes stood out on the left side of his hair, his fangs were exposed in a cruel smirk, and his blood red eyes glowed softly.

"Kid?" Liz gasped.

Death the Kid's CurseWhere stories live. Discover now