Chapter 20

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Soul Eater or Blue exorcist, I only own my OCs and the story idea.

"Kid?" Liz gasped.

Kid stared blankly at them, his blood red eyes emotionless. Liz took a step forward, moving towards her meister. She knew she had to do whatever it took to bring her meister back from the depths of madness. As Liz went to take another step, the smirk dropped from Kid's face. Liz froze as cracks appeared in the ground at her meister's feet moving towards their group.

"Shadow Fire." Kid said darkly.

Black and purple fire erupted from the cracks in the ground and surrounded the DWMA students and Death creatures, who all cried out in agony. The fire disappeared and the group dropped to the ground. When they looked up again Kid's hair was styled into the increasingly familiar flame-like spikes.

"Damn! Kid's still under Daemon's control." Amaimon said, slamming his fist into the ground.

"Liz, if we're going to try and bring Kid back from the madness... we need to restrain him first." Sally called out.

"Alright! Patty!" Liz held out her hand and her sister landed in her palm in a flash of pink light as a pistol.



Soul and Tsubaki both transformed in a flash of white light landing in their meisters' hands as a black and red scythe and a chain scythe. Maka, Liz, and Black*Star all stood up and prepared to restrain Kid by weakening him. Mephisto, Amaimon, and Sally followed their example and charged up their powers.

Black*Star rushed Kid, Maka following directly behind him. Both meisters tried to hit Kid with their blades while Liz shot soul bullets at the Reaper. Kid moved quickly, dodging between the blades and bullets, not taking a single blow. Kid then drove his elbow into Black*Star's face sending the assassin into the ground ten feet away. Kid then drove his foot into Maka's stomach sending the scythe meister flying into Liz and knocking them both to the ground.

"Water Slicer!"

Kid jumped over the water attack, which sliced through a tree behind him, and raised a hand above his head and summoned his shadows into the shape of a shuriken.

"Shadow Shuriken!" Kid threw the attack at Sally, who just barely managed to avoid the attack and becoming a part of the new crater in the ground.

"Fire Volcano!" Kid yelled as he landed on the other side of the crater from Sally, fixing his red eyes on his cousin.

Dark red flames burst from the crater in the ground and surrounded Sally. She cried out as the flames burned her skin and seared her blood. The flames disappeared and Sally dropped to the ground. An aura of dark red flames different from their natural light-blue color surrounded Kid's body.

"Earth Wave!"

"Ice Spear!"

Kid turned and saw a wall of rocks approaching him. He jumped over the rocks and summoned a large ball of fire in his hands and threw it towards Amaimon.

"Fire Blaze!"

Kid then felt something stab through his stomach. He looked down and saw five spears made of pure ice sticking out of his body.

"Black*Star's Big Wave!" Black*Star yelled. flying through the air and sending his soul wavelength through the Reaper from behind.

The ice spears shattered and Kid was sent through a tree and to the ground. Black*Star landed next to Mephisto and both faced the area where Kid had landed. A large cloud of dust had appeared from Kid's crash landing and none of the fighters could see the Reaper. Liz, Maka, and Amaimon all stood up after recovering from the attacks they had taken before. Sally was still on the ground trying to heal.

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