Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Soul Eater or Blue exorcist, I only own my OCs and the story idea.

Rin Okumura was walking down the streets of True Cross after just losing his job.

 They'll all be so disappointed in me. he thought thinking of everyone at the church.

Rin was tired of living in Yukio's shadow, just because Yukio was more responsible and smart. Rin was the older twin and he had always protected his little brother. Yet Father Fujimoto treated him like a burden.

It didn't help that Rin could barely remember his past. There had been an accident a few years ago, and after receiving a terrible head injury, Rin had lost most of his childhood memories. Although, he still remembered being outcasted as a child, being called a "demon".

 It's not true. he thought.

There were some things that happened around him that he couldn't explain. Such as why there were floating black specks with tails and faces. Or why he had a strange mark on his arm. Or why he never took off his necklace.

Rin pulled the necklace out of his shirt and examined it again. It was a very simple looking charm attached to a black cord. The charm  was a swirly design, almost like a design for wind, and a pure white color. Rin didn't know why he wore it, but every time he thought about taking it off there was like a mental warning in his head telling him not to.

Rin tucked the necklace back into his shirt and turned into an alley. Then he saw the punk that he had beaten up the night before. The other teen still looked strange, those black specks seemed to gather around him and he had horns on his head. Rin couldn't think about anymore as the guy's friends grabbed his arms and held him down. Rin watched helplessly as the teen walked over to a metal rod that had one end sitting in fire. The strange looking boy picked up the metal rod and walked back over to Rin.

"You ruined my face, now I'll ruin yours." he said.

"Hey, aren't you taking this a little too far?" one of the boy's friends asked.

  "Shut up." he ordered, bringing the metal rod closer to Rin's face.

Rin watched the metal rod get closer and closer, fire flickering off of it. He began to panic.

"Wait! Wait!" Rin shouted.

Then Rin's pupils dilated  and he felt a surge of power. Blue flame exploded all around them. The two boys holding Rin's arms down fled the alley, screaming. Rin looked down at his hand and saw the blue flame flickering from his fingertips.

The possessed form of the boy became more demonic looking in his anger. Thousands of those black specks flew from his form and Rin stepped back in shock. The possessed teen moved closer to Rin, until he was stopped by Father Fujimoto.

Father Fujimoto began to say the verse necessary to exorcise the demon from the teen. The demon charged, fully intent on stopping the priest. Father Fujimoto grabbed the demon's arm and judo flipped him to the ground, where the demon now lay on its back. Father Fujimoto finished the verse and a black aura flew from the teen's mouth, the teen then lay in the alley unconscious.

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