Chapter 16

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Soul Eater or Blue exorcist, I only own my OCs and the story idea.

After the sparring matches between the four Death creatures, the humans displayed their own fighting abilities. First was Soul and Maka against Black*Star and Tsubaki. Soul transformed into a red and black scythe landing in Maka's hands at the same moment Tsubaki transformed into a chain scythe.

The two meisters fought fiercely each trying to win, but not severely wound the other. Their match ended when Black*Star used his soul wavelength to send Maka flying out of the ring. The blue-haired assassin then began jumping around excitedly, claiming that no one could match up to "the great Black*Star!"

Next Liz and Patty teamed up against Kid. Both of the girls were a little reluctant to fight their meister, but after Kid reassured them that it was fine they began.

Patty transformed and landed in her sister's hand. Liz sent a blast of soul energy towards Kid, who side stepped the blast. Liz kept firing at the young Reaper and, while he dodged most of the shots, one lucky attack hit him in the leg. Kid then used his super speed to disappear from view and reappeared directly in front of Liz. Kid lightly gripped her wrist and prevented her from attacking. Liz blushed lightly staring up into the Reaper's golden eyes.

"Wow!" Sally exclaimed, as Kid released Liz's wrist and Patty transformed again, "You guys are pretty good. After we teach you how to counter Death creature abilities and elemental attacks, you'll provide great back up."

"She's right, but we all still need to train before attacking Daemon. In our current state we won't be able to face his army." Mephisto said, causing Sally to lightly slap his shoulder for bringing up the negative subject at that moment.

They all agreed to get up the next day and train some more, but at the moment they began walking towards the cabin to sleep. As they began walking Liz noticed Kid limping slightly and the drops of red near his left leg.

"Kid! You're hurt!" she said, worriedly.

"It's fine. I'll heal soon." he said, facing her and giving her a reassuring smile.

Liz wasn't listening and instead grabbed the young Reaper by the hand and dragged him towards the infirmary nearby.

Liz cleaned out Kid's wound and then wrapped it tightly with some bandages she found in a drawer. As she worked on wrapping his leg she realized that she was responsible for the injury.

"I'm sorry." she muttered, refusing to meet his eyes.

Kid looked at her, confused. He didn't understand what she was apologizing for exactly, but then he noticed her focus on his leg. Realization dawned on him.

"It's fine, really. It's not your fault, Liz" he said.

"But I'm the one who shot you." she said, finally looking up at him.

Kid put his hand on one of hers. "I told you and Patty that it was fine. This injury is my fault and mine alone. I don't want you blaming yourself for any injury that I receive."

Liz nodded, but still felt a little guilty. They both left the infirmary and headed to the cabin. It was late at night, since when they had arrived at the camp it had been late morning and they had all spent time unpacking and sparring. Kid opened the door for Liz and they walked in.

Everyone else was already ready for bed, so Kid walked towards his stuff. Patty walked over to her sister and looked at her curiously.

"Sis, where'd you and Kid go?" she asked.

"I was just taking care of one of Kid's injuries, Patty." Liz said looking down at the smaller blonde.


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