Chapter 3

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Soul Eater or Blue exorcist, I only own my OCs and the story idea.

Liz was extremely frustrated with her meister right now.

All day Kid had seemed unfocused and distracted. In their classes that day he seemed to be lost in thought. During gym, when they had been training Kid's soul had felt unfocused through their resonance. During the small basketball game with their friends, he seemed to be a million miles away in his thoughts before he focused on the game and seemed to be better. Then he had gone back inside his head on the walk home.

She wished that she knew what he was thinking, so that she could help him figure out whatever it was. But Kid had stayed secretive, he wouldn't even admit something was wrong when she asked.

 Does he not trust us? Liz wondered as she sat on the couch with her sister, who was watching cartoons.

Liz tried not to think about Kid having a lack of trust in them. They could still resonate easily , which required a lot of trust between the three of them. So it was likely not a lack of trust in the two sisters that prevented Kid from telling them.

 He's probably  trying to figure it out himself and will tell us eventually. Besides it probably is something to do with symmetry. Liz thought with a sigh.

Liz stood up off the couch and headed for the stairs.

"Don't stay up too late, Patty." she said, looking at her younger sister.

"Okay, Sis!" Patty said, laughing at something on the TV.

Liz went up to her room and looked around. There were various articles of clothing scattered around the room that she would pick up later. She had a large walk in closet filled with her clothes. She had a plain vanity table against one wall that was covered in her various makeup products and nail polishes. Against the other wall was a large queen sized bed with black sheets and a thick white blanket.

Liz changed into long fluffy blue pajama pants and a large DWMA t-shirt. She then collapsed onto her bed, sinking into the soft mattress. As she stared up at her bedroom ceiling, her thoughts drifted back to her meister.

His slightly shaggy black hair with the three unique white stripes on the left side, his lines of sanzu that showed his birthright as a reaper. His glowing, golden-yellow eyes that she found herself getting lost in. His perfect, pale alabaster skin. The way he could be so caring and protective of the people close to him. Liz could definitely admit that her meister was attractive.

Liz had slowly fallen for the young reaper. From the moment she and Patty had tried to mug him in Brooklyn, to becoming his weapons, to going on missions and then school, she had developed a crush on Kid. She found most of his little habits to be kind of cute, even his symmetry fits had become slightly less annoying and more endearing. She could admit the feelings she had for Kid to herself, but she could never tell Kid.

Kid seemed to have no romantic interest in anyone, seeming to completely focus on becoming a perfect reaper and creating balance in the world. He was oblivious to the girls around school that flirted with him and he always looked completely composed and emotionless. It was likely that Kid would never feel the same way for her as she did for him. She could never tell him, if he rejected her and things became awkward between them, he might replace them as his weapon partners and Liz couldn't do that to Patty. Plus, this way she at least had him as a friend.

But, Kid was also acting strange. His loss of focus throughout the day, the way he looked like he was a million miles away in his thoughts. There was clearly a problem and Liz wanted to help him.

However, without knowing what the problem was, she really couldn't help him.

Liz decided that she would try to take as much stress off Kid as she could, hoping that would help his situation and maybe get him to open up to her. With that decided, Liz fell asleep dreaming of her meister.


Liz woke up the next morning half an hour early. She took a quick shower and got dressed in her normal outfit for the day.

She then went about the manor adjusting picture frames, shifting candles by millimeters and folding the toilet paper in the bathrooms into triangles. She made sure everything was perfectly symmetrical, going so far as to use Kid's ruler and level to make sure. She figured that this would make things easier for Kid today and make him so happy.

Liz then went down into the kitchen and began to make waffles, making sure each was a perfect square, for breakfast. While she was cooking, Patty came downstairs to eat. Liz slid her sister's stack of waffles across the counter where the younger girl was.

"Waffles~!" Patty sing -songed in her typical way.

Liz finally finished making breakfast for herself and Kid and placing both plates on the table with a knife and a fork on each side to preserve the symmetry.

Both girls were now eating breakfast, waiting for Kid to come down and join them.

They both looked up worriedly when, from upstairs, they heard a loud CRASH!

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