Chapter 4

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Soul Eater or Blue exorcist, I only own my OCs and the story idea.

Fog swirled all around his body and the surrounding area, making it hard to see anything that was more than two feet in front of him. From what he could tell there was nothing but endless darkness and fog surrounding him, making him feel cramped in what was, probably, a large open space.

He tried to take a step forward and hold his arms out so he could attempt to find a way out of here. Even with his ability to see in the dark, the endless darkness of the area made it difficult. But, when he tried to move he found all of limbs were tied down, his arms outward to his sides and his feet together straight down. That was when he realized what he was tied to.

He was tied to a cross.

He continued to look around the area, trying to think of a way out. Suddenly a hooded figure appeared out of the fog.

The figure was tall, but the rest of his features were covered by a dark blood red robe, the hood casting his face in shadows.

But he didn't need to see his face, because he knew who it was. The same person who had haunted him for years.

The hooded figure pulled out a syringe from a deep pocket on the robe. The syringe was filled with a bright red liquid-like substance mixed with black.

"It will happen. Soon you will see that the humans are the same as they've always been. You'll see it my way and want to destroy the humans", the hooded figure spoke in a deep voice.

He tried to reply to the figure, but his throat was dry and he couldn't get the words out.

"You will join me...", the figure said removing his hood, "...because we are one in the same."

Kid looked down terrified into his own eyes as the syringe was stabbed into his neck injecting him with what was inside.


Kid thrashed around in his black Egyptian cotton sheets. He was desperately trying to fight off an enemy that wasn't really there, grabbing at his own throat. His thrashing movements sent him over the edge of the bed and to the hardwood floor below with a loud CRASH!

Kid stopped struggling and looked around.

Another nightmare, he thought, wiping the sweat from his face.

He untangled himself from the sheets and made his way into the bathroom. He splashed some cool water onto his face before looking at the mirror.

The sight that greeted him was his own face. Wild, terrified golden eyes, slightly paler than usual skin, and black bed head with three white stripes on the left side.

Yes. Just a nightmare, he thought.

But it wasn't really a nightmare, it was a memory of his past only slightly twisted by his own subconscious.

"Join me."

Never, he thought, I'll never be like you.

Then he heard loud banging on his door.


"What' wrong?!?!"

Liz and Patty were practically trying to break his door down.

They must have heard me hit the ground Kid thought as he opened the door for his frantic weapons.

Liz and Patty ran into Kid's bedroom and began to look around trying to find the person or thing that dared to attack their meister. When they found nothing in the room they both turned towards Kid, confusion in their eyes.

"I fell out of bed and hit the floor." Kid answered their unasked question with a sigh.

Liz raised an eyebrow in response to his answer, while Patty burst out laughing.

"You fell~, You fell~!!" Patty yelled, teasing Kid.

Kid sighed once again before leading the girls out of the room. Patty went back downstairs to finish her waffles, but Liz stuck her foot in the door frame, preventing Kid from shutting it.

Liz forced her way back into Kid's room and faced the young reaper.

"Why did you fall out of bed?" Liz asked, studying Kid's face for any kind of deceit.

Kid looked at her, a bored expression on his face before saying, "I had a nightmare last night, which caused me to become restless and I moved too close to the edge of my bed."

Liz seemed to become more concerned for Kid.

"Are you OK?" she asked him.

"Yes, Liz, it was just a dream. I'll be fine." he said easily.

Satisfied, Liz made her way to the door before another thought struck her.

"Kid. What was your dream about?"

"It was nothing." he said looking away.


The three of them walked into the crescent moon classroom and met up with the rest of their friends. Liz and Patty immediately began talking with Maka and Tsubaki . Kid just listened in as Soul and Black*Star were arguing about the basketball game's results. Black*Star was clearly having a hard time not proclaiming his "godhood".

Fifteen minutes later, Stein came rolling into the room.

"Death the Kid, Elizabeth and Patricia Thompson. Lord Death wants to see you in the Death Room." Stein announced.

Kid, Liz, and Patty all stood up and walked down the rows of seats and out of the classroom.

"What do you think your dad wants?" Liz asked Kid while they walked down the hall.

"Father is probably going to assign us another mission." he replied.

"Yay! A mission, a mission~" Patty shouted.

The three now reached the door to the Death Room and Kid knocked on the door.

"Come in!" a high-pitched, cartoonish voice sounded from behind the door.

The three teens walked down the guillotine hall and eventually reached the raised circular platform with a large mirror in the center.

Lord Death stood beside his mirror, his cartoonish skull mask hid all expression and his reaper cloak made him appear to have an astral shape.

"What's up! What's up! Yo! Hey, Kiddo!" Lord Death exclaimed in his high-pitched voice, bouncing around in a goofy manner.

"Hello, Father. What was it that you needed us for?" Kid responded.

Lord Death seemed slightly upset about his son's business- like attitude, but he quickly let it go. He knew some details of what his son had gone through in the past and couldn't blame Kid for his serious attitude.

"Right, there have been reports of a Kishin Egg near a small village by the sea. I need you three to investigate and destroy it." Lord Death said becoming serious.

"Alright then." Kid replied, turning on his heel and exiting the room, flanked by Liz and Patty.

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