Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Soul Eater or Blue exorcist, I only own my OCs and the story idea.

Kid sat in his usual seat between Liz and Patty as everyone was waiting for Professor Stein to enter the classroom. The sound of wheels rolling across the floor in the hallway alerted all the students in the room to the approach of the insane scientist.

Professor Franken Stein rolled in on his chair, the wheels catching on the door jamb and sending the stitched up man sliding across the floor. Stein stood up and picked up his chair before heading back behind his desk to begin the lesson.  Stein twisted the screw going through his head a few times, the click-click-click noise making some of the students shudder.

Stein was a tall man with silver hair and stitches all over his body and clothes... and a large screw going through his head. His appearance, as well as his insane desire to dissect everything, had given him a reputation as the creepiest teacher at the DWMA.

"Alright, today we will be dissecting the rare Burmese Tree Mouse. This animal is nearly extinct so we must take the chance to dissect it before it's too late." Stein announced, pulling a sheet off a case full of small brown rodents that were shaking in fear.

All of the students in the room were horrified, especially the girls in the room, who thought the small creatures were adorable. Yet, everyone paid attention for fear that they would be next on Stein's table if they didn't.

Kid didn't really care for the dissection taking place and instead got lost in his thoughts. The nightmares had been getting worse, along with the curse.

 I really should tell Liz and Patty about my past, they do have a right to know. Besides I know their pasts. It would only be fair. On the other hand, I haven't seen the others in  so long, not since I left the camp and became too involved in my Death God training. I could still contact them. Kid thought, feeling the cool metal of the charm around his neck press onto his chest.

The charm was the one thing Kid never took off, no matter the circumstances. It was the one thing that kept him connected to his old friends. The charm didn't look like anything special, just a small black arrow-head shaped object attached to a black string worn around his neck, but it could create a communication link to other worlds, as well as monitor his vitals. each of his previous friends had one, each a different shape and color, but the same function.

 My past was so long ago and I've basically left it behind, therefore, it should be safe to assume that the information would be pointless to the girls, Kid continued to argue in his mind, But, the madness is increasing and becoming harder to deal with, I may need to tell them eventually, but now is not the right time.

The sound of the bell snapped Kid out of his thoughts and he realized that he had spent the entire class thinking. He stood up from his seat and walked slightly behind Liz and Patty towards the training room for their next lesson with Sid.


Classes had finally ended and the group of friends were all heading to the basketball courts for a quick game. None of the weapon-meister teams had any current missions and decided to take the opportunity to relax.

Kid had spent the rest of the day barely paying attention in his classes, using the time to question his decision to hide his past. It's better this way had been a thought constantly going through his mind while he thought.

Once the group reached the courts it was decided that Soul and Black*Star would be the captains. The punishments being if Soul lost he had to be 'uncool' for a day and if Black*Star lost he had to go a day without proclaiming his godhood.

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