Chapter 18

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Soul Eater or Blue exorcist, I only own my OCs and the story idea.

They were all back in Cabin 8 after Daemon's army fled, trying to decide what they should do now. Sally was resting her head on Mephisto's shoulder, her eyes red from crying. Mephisto tried comforting her, but his own thoughts and worries about the events that had taken place earlier that day distracted him. Amaimon sat on his bed, biting one of his claws and staring at the ground. Maka and Tsubaki were on the couch quietly discussing ideas to help the situation. Soul leaned up against the back wall, watching Maka and Tsubaki. Black*Star was unusually quiet as he sat on his bed not really paying attention to what was happening around him. Liz and Patty sat on the bed above Amaimon, Patty was quiet and not really moving, while Liz sat next to her. Liz's eyes were also red from crying and she was lost in her own thoughts, completely numb.

Kid's disappearance was affecting them all.

"There's no other option anymore." Mephisto began quietly, drawing the attention of everyone except Liz, who was still lost in her own thoughts. "We have to kill them all to end this. Daemon, Rin, and Kid." Sally began crying, again.

Liz was snapped out of her thoughts at that and she looked at Mephisto, panicked.

We can't kill them... at least not Rin and Kid. There has to be another way. Liz thought.

"How can you say that?!" Black*Star said angrily, "That Rin guy's your brother and Kid is our friend and yours, we can't kill them!"

"Kid is under the influence of his madness now and Rin might be, as well. And, as far as we know, there's no way to bring them back. Daemon controls them both now." Sally said, sniffling. "As much as I hate it, it's the only way to stop Daemon's plans."

"But-!" Maka tried, but was interrupted.

"NO! There has to be another way!" Liz snapped, "I won't lose Kid like this, I refuse to! We need to at least try to bring them back from Daemon's control before we give up on them, because I'll never give up on Kid!"

"Me too!" Patty yelled. Amaimon looked like he agreed, as well.

Mephisto was about to say something when the door to the cabin opened and Drake walked in.

"I have some bad news." he said.

Daemon was walking down the hall, flanked by Kid and Rin. Rin was still wearing his long-sleeve yellow shirt and black pants, while Kid had changed into a black dress shirt and black jeans, Daemon's insignia in bright yellow on both ends of his collar.

"Lord Storm!" a soldier yelled behind them. They all turned to face him. "The team of Death creatures has returned with the supply of Holy weapons from the warehouse, Sir."

"Perfect." Daemon said before walking away with Rin and Kid close behind.

"You plan to use the Holy weapons to help take care of the Death creature camp." Kid stated, his red eyes glancing at Daemon.

"Of course. While our powers will make it easy to destroy the humans, I would like to get rid of any 'rebellious' Death creatures and the Holy weapons will speed up that process." Daemon explained.


"This isn't good." Amaimon said, still biting one of his claws.

Drake had just told them that Daemon's followers had taken a supply of Holy weapons from a warehouse near True Cross.

"What's the problem with Holy weapons?" Soul asked.

"Holy weapons are extremely dangerous to Death creatures since we're not what some people consider 'holy'. Basically, Holy weapons can absorb Death creatures and the3y experience a slow, agonizing death inside the weapon." Sally explained.

"And there's no defense against it?" Maka asked. Mephisto sighed.

"There is a special mark that weakens the effect of Holy weapons to the point where it will only injure the Death creature and we all have it... even Kid and Rin." he explained, rolling up his pant leg to reveal the mark.

It was a black marking that looked like it was branded into his skin. It resembled a long line going diagonally, but the middle of the design had the Shinigami skull in it and three smaller lines cut across the first line on either side of the skull. It kind of looked like the scar Soul had but with a skull in the center. Sally held up her left palm and displayed the same marking, as well as Amaimon, who had it on his back.

"Wait, I've never seen a mark like that on Kid." Liz said.

"Kid's marking is on his stomach from the end of his ribs to just above his belly button. And Rin's is on his left arm, on his bicep." Sally said. "We won't really have to worry about the Holy weapons, so long as we don't take too many hits, but other Death creatures don't want the mark because it's a painful process to receive it."

"So, only you five have it?" Tsubaki asked.

"Yes, Daemon doesn't even know about the mark as far as I know." Amaimon said, "Unless Kid or Rin told him."

"What else haven't you told us?" Maka asked.

"The six of us, Daemon included, have familiars." Sally said.

"Familiars?" Black*Star asked.

"They're Demon creatures that we can summon and use in battle, but Rin can't remember his so that one shouldn't be a problem. It's Kid's and Daemon's familiars we have to watch out for because of how powerful they are." Amaimon said, looking at the ground and unwrapping a lollipop.

"Well, I say we go find their base in the woods and get Kid and Rin back. Then we all take down Daemon, it should be easy with a god like me on your side!" Black*Star said, getting off of the bed, "We'll save our friends and destroy our enemies because no one is greater than the mighty Black*Star!"

The rest of the DWMA students agreed to finding Daemon and saving Kid, but the Death creatures seemed a bit more hesitant. The woods in the camp were huge and they had no way of knowing where to even begin looking. Then Sally had an idea.

"Kid's charm!" she yelled.

"What?" Mephisto asked looking at his girlfriend.

"Kid is still wearing his charm. I might be able to use it to find him and where Kid is, Rin and Daemon will be there as well!" she said, excited that they might be able to find her cousin and friend after all.

"Alright!" Amaimon exclaimed.

Sally began working using the data gathered from Kid's charm to try and locate him.


Daemon sat in his office, thinking.

Kid was now under the influence of his madness and under Daemon's control, but the young Reaper still fought against him. Daemon had a very weak hold on his control over the young Reaper, but every time Kid nearly got control of the madness Daemon would bring him back under control.

Seventy years and he still didn't lose himself in his madness, even now he's able to fight my control for a little while. How does he stay so strong when he should have lost his sanity by now? Daemon thought.


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