Chapter 32: Before Academia

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Today was another school day for the teen, as such he was awoken by the fluffy dog licking his cheek, he opened his eyes and yawned, his gaze turning to his companion "good morning Mirai" he smiled and petted them.

He sat up and stretched, getting out of his bed he walked over to his shower area, igniting the fire under the Archimedes screw, water came up from the river into pipes leading up to his house, heating it up just enough for him to shower comfortably. Once done he stepped out and took two towels from the rack, one for his hair and the other for his body, he walked over to a cardboard divider and pulled out his clothing for the day as well as his shoes. He took the towels outside to dry off, he then went into the kitchen and looked at the calendar he made, nodding to himself.

He took out some dog food and filled Mirai's bowl while the second one was filled with water.

Their eyes cloud, hands go limp and the plate drops to the ground.


The system was sitting in his classroom, students chatted the time away like it usually was before classes start. One moment they had been at home, now they sat in class with a forming headache. They then felt a hand was placed on his shoulder, looking up he was greeted by a sharp-toothed grin.

"Hey dude, you ok?"

"Yeah...Sorry to worry you Kiri" they rubbed their temples "I hope you slept well though"

He snorted "yeah, unlike someone I know" he pointed at his dark eye bags "seriously dude, if you have issues sleeping at your house-"

"I can come over to your place, I know I know, but we really are fine in our own place... and besides, isn't your mom allergic to dogs"

"I guess... just know man, you all need anything you can count on me" he smiled.

"Thank you Kiri, that means a lot to us. By the way, did you hear of the villain incident?"

"Who hasn't, everyone jumped on that story since it's been peaceful these past few days"

"Well, I w-"

His words came to a halt and his gaze then to an unknown place, Kirishima called out his name quietly but got no response. The red-head kneels in front of him and held his hands, patiently waiting for him to come back. It took a full minute for the greennette to come back to himself, blinking a few times to adjust his vision.

"Hey, you back?"

The bell for class rang, he just smiled and nodded as the teacher came in.


At his desk, he was writing away in his notebook about the villain incident earlier, one of his alters telling him what and how to write it down. The details and explanations it spoke were incredible for just a few seconds of observation from the sidelines. The teacher in front of the class, on the other hand, was going on about how everyone in the class wanted to be heroes. As he had mentioned how Izuku also wanted to go to Yuei, like Bakugo and Kirishima, the others in the class began laughing.

As he felt a panic attack start to form, Bakugo came over to his desk and set off an explosion, causing him to jumping out of his seat.

"Listen up Deku, your even worse than the rest of these fuckers, quirkless reject" smoke came from his palm "you really think they let someone like you in when they could have me?"

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