Chapter 21

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Jungkook threaded Chaeyoung's limp fingers through his and held her hand tightly. Then he lifted it up and kissed it. She gave birth to a baby girl. But now she's unconscious because she was losing so much blood during delivery.

“You gotta wake up for me, chipmunk. You gotta wake up for us. You gotta be alright..." He get a lump in his throat as he said that. "I can't live without you Chae, please wake up"

There was a knock on the door, and a nurse stepped inside. "Sir, you have to visit your baby"

"I’ll be back." He whispered at unconscious Chaeyoung, then bent down and pressed a soft kiss to her lips before he stood up and stepping out of the room, heading to the baby's room.


Hana. Jeon Hana, that was her name. Both him and Chaeyoung already prepare two names for their baby following their decision to keep the baby's gender until the baby born. She was so small, and Chaeyoung wasn’t here yet to help him do this right. What if he did it wrong? He didn’t want to hurt her..

"Just sit down in the rocker, and I’ll bring her to you all bundled up in a blanket. You look nervous, but that’s normal, especially for new daddies," the nurse said. Hana started kicking happily, and her thumb came out of her mouth, as if she was ready for this.

The nurse changed her diaper, which also looked confusing as hell, then wrapped her up tight in a blanket. When she went to pick her up, Jungkook held his breath and jumped up to put his hands under hers in case she dropped his baby.

The nurse chuckled. “I won’t drop her. I promise,” she said, smiling at his sudden reaction to seeing Hana moved from the safety of her box.

He forced himself to back up and sit down in the rocking chair.

"See how I’m holding her so I’m supporting her head? She needs that. She can’t hold her head up by herself, so you support it with your arms and hold her close to you. She needs the warmth. She also needs the bonding. You can hold her as long as you want. If you don’t feel comfortable standing up with her, you can press that button on the wall beside you, and I’ll walk you through it. You ready?" she asked.


Jungkook nodded. He had to be ready. He's her daddy.

She placed the little bundle in his arms, and her clean baby scent hit his nose. Her little eyes studied him as she gazed up at him.


"I’ll leave you two alone. Buzz if you need me," the nurse said, then left them.

Jungkook cuddled her close to his chest, and it was amazing how little she weighed. She felt like a feather. Her small thumb found her mouth again.

"I just saw Mommy. She hasn’t opened her eyes yet, but she’s going to. She wants to, because she wants to see you so much. We just have to be patient. I better enjoy this now, because once she wakes up, she may never let you go. I can’t wait to see my two favorite girls together. It’ll be the prettiest picture in the world."


Hana frowned and puckered up like she was about to cry. He wasn’t sure what to do with crying babies, but it was time he figured it out. He pulled her up higher on his chest and tucked her toward him. Then they rocked.

The motion soothed her, and the puckered pre-cry look went away. Her little eyes started to slowly close. And as if it was the most natural thing in the world, he sang to her. Every lullaby he could think of as he rocked her. Long after, her little eyes closed and she turned her face to bury it in his chest, he continued to sing to her.

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