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The sun begins to carry out its duties as a light for the earth. The light that began to enter through the gaps in the window made the owner of the room faintly open her eyes as the light slowly touched her skin. Eon Jin manages to open her eyes, scanning the entire room to see where she is now.

"Arggh... My head hurts so bad." she groaned holding her head trying to wake herself up and was now sitting on the edge of the bed.

"How am I at home now? Didn't I go to the party last night?" she asked herself.

"Sigh... My clothes still smell like alcohol." she said again when she realized she was still wearing the dress from last night. Eon Jin goes into the bathroom. Cleanse the face which is still full of make-up and the body which is still dominant with the smell of alcohol.

She stood in front of the mirror, looking at herself because she felt something was up. She started to unbutton the dress and slowly descended the dress she was wearing. She noticed something red right above her chest.

"Oh Gosh. What is this...." Eon Jin touched it. She was really surprised to see the kissmark.

"What did I do last night..."

Eon Jin begins to remember the events that happened last night. She just remembered that she went for the reunion with Tae Pyung. Then she had fun with her old friends. She drank several glasses of alcohol until she finally got drunk and she can't remember what happened after that.

She bit her lower lip still looking at herself in the mirror and remembering what happened after that.

Back to home.. She's still wondering how she got home. Did Tae Pyung deliver her? Or other friends?

"Shi*tt..." Eon Jin exhaled. She had just remembered what had happened last night. Tae Pyung kissed her! Right. She remember now that Tae Pyung kissed her lips and left kissmark abover her chest.

"Damn it. Doesn't he know that I'm wearing a ring from another man? His joke yesterday turned out to be more than just a joke. He took a chance when I was unconscious." she mumbled and hurried to take a shower. She is upset and angry to him.


Tae Pyung has to take care of his daughter alone from today until the next few days. Last night, Ahjumma informed him that her closest relative had passed away so she had to return to her hometown for a few days.

"Come on, Appa. We have to leave now." Mi Cha cheered happily calling her appa from the front door. She was neat with a mini dress and a minnie mouse backpack she was carrying.

"Wait a minute, baby. You look really excited. What's this?" Tae Pyung rushes from his room to his daughter.

"Eunghh. I want to play with aunty Eon Jin all day. Come on, Appa. You're taking too long."

"Kajja. I've never seen you this excited before. You seem to really like aunty Eon Jin, don't you?"

"Ne, she's a kind and warm person. I feel comfortable around her."

They walked to the basement. Tae Pyung opens the door for his daughter and helps her into the car then closes the car door again.

"We're leaving now."  Tae Pyung said as soon as he got into his car.

"Appa, I like aunty Eon Jin more than aunty Hee Joo."

"I think it's just because you see her now more often than aunty Hee Joo. But, why are you suddenly telling me that?"

"Appa, how did you meet aunty Eon Jin?" Mi Cha asked out of curiosity.

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