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This is Tae Pyung's first day back to work after taking time off and undergoing self-quarantine. He returned to his routine with enthusiasm. The first time he came to the hospital, he went straight to Eon Jin's room to greet his girlfriend. A week of not seeing each other seemed too long for him and he missed his baby very much.

"Good morning, baby." he greets in the doorway, he then enters as soon as Eon Jin turns and smiles at him.

"Happy back to work, Jagiya. Omo! I haven't seen you for a few days but why have you become this big?" Eon Jin stands up from her seat and slowly approaches him.

"Appa bear, what did you eat to make you this so big?" she whispers right in Tae Pyung's ear. It made him shudder and shudder. He reflexively pulled away from her.

"Why is your voice like that? It gives me goosebumps." he protested.

"Hehe, have you eaten, Jagiya? I brought more breakfast. Do you want to try it?" Eon Jin opens her basket and shows it to Tae Pyung.

"Woah. That looks delicious. How could I refuse a cooking from my special girl?"

Tae Pyung pulls up a chair and sits across from her. Eon Jin prepares food for him. She looked at her boyfriend who was voraciously eating her homemade food.

"Ah, it feels so proud to see my Jagiya voraciously eat my food. Is it that good? Or is it just because you're hungry?"

"It's so delicious. Really. You're the best at everything. I didn't go wrong choosing you as a lover."

"Are you ready to become huge Tae Pyung after marrying me? I will serve you more food later."

"Anything for you, baby."

"Oh yeah, I really miss Mi Cha. How about her? Is she still cranky? You didn't promise her a younger sister, did you?"

"Eoh, I've explained to her and she understands that her little sister is in the process of being made."

"Can I see her tonight? I'll make dumpling soup for her."

"We'll visit your house later. Don't you bother with cooking after work? Don't you have much work today?"

"I've been pretty free these few days."

While they were talking, suddenly there was a knock on the door from outside. Eon Jin lets someone in and it turns out to be Dr. Lee. He is holding a paper and it seems he wants to show it to Eon Jin.

"Hi, Eon Jin. Ouh, you're here too, Dr. Kim." he greeted strangely. He is still standing in the doorway waiting for Eon Jin to offer him a seat.

"Hey, Dr. Lee." Eon Jin returns the greeting awkwardly. "What is the need for coming to me so early?"

"Eoh, it's nothing. I'll be back later. Bye, Eon Jin." close Dr. Lee in the conversation, he then turned around and closed the door again.

"What's with him?" Tae Pyung asks Eon Jin. Eon Jin shrugged her shoulders, she didn't even know what Dr. Lee want to do.

"Should I tell him that you are my girlfriend so he won't bother you anymore?"

"Hey, don't do that. No, I mean, you don't have to do that. I will act decisively if he crosses the line."

"But.. You're my girlfriend. You are mine. There is an uneasy feeling if a man starts to approach mine, moreover I can feel that he wants to take you from me."

"Hey, Jagiya. What are you thinking. You're so overthinking. I have chosen you. The one and only in my heart, Kim Tae Pyung. My favorite Dr. Kim." Eon Jin pinches his cheeks and kisses his pouting lips.

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