The Bible

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Okay, so let's come down to this one question that every single person have had in their life; is God real?

If someone were to prove that God exists, then it would disprove every other thing like evolution - but God hasn't been properly proven now has he? But just because no one have ever "proven" God, doesn't mean He have been "disproven" as well.


Yeah, no one have ever disproven God. No historian have ever stated that Jesus was not a real historical person.

Wait, how do they know that he's real then? Isn't that just a burden of proof?

Good question! You are just at the first step to getting to know the answer!
Now in order to trust anything, you must always look at the reliability and credibility first so that you may believe and have some trust.

Let me make this clear; ww2 can't be scientifically proven, but it can be historically proven. So when it comes to the bible, it isn't just another mythical book like all other mythical stories that were discovered and dug up. It's more of a historical document that contains actual information on events - just like ww2. Think of it like reading a newspaper that was printed 10 years ago containing historical information of what have happened at the time, so the same can be said with the Bible.

Take Luke 3 for example at the first verse of scripture; now in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Ceaser, Pontius Pilate being governer of Judea, Herod being tetrarch of Galilee, his brother Phillip tetrarch of Iturea and the region of Trachonitis, and Lysanias tetrarch of Abilene... (NKJV)

No mythical stories are written this way. This scripture gives us a clue of which rulers and governors were alive at the time when Jesus was alive. They didn't put a specific date like we do today ( like "00/00/00") so they dated things differently. These people mentioned in scripture are found to be historically real - but that's not all they found - they have also found documents of these rulers and governors that talks of the christ and christians outside the Bible, meaning it's nowhere found in the Bible but on another document that have been found else where. There are also archeological finds that gives us a clue that backs up the Bible's account.


Yeah, there are many examples like this throughout scripture that can be compared with outside secular sources, so not every single thing is only in the Bible, but can be compared with other historical documents out there that backs up the Bible's credibility and the point in time that was written. So it's not such a pure burden of proof.

I recommend looking into the dead sea scrolls, which is a group of manuscripts discovered in 1946. They have parts of every book of the old testament (except for the book of Esther) having been dated back to between 351 and 230 BC (no new testament was found with it)
Now the book of Isaiah is nearly completed and contains Isaiah 53, which prophesied the coming messiah, explaining the life and crucifixion of Jesus hundreds of years before his birth!

Um yeah, that's still not enough evidence

Have you heard of Alexander the great? If you haven't, he was an ancient Macedonian ruler who was known as one of history's greatest military minds. Now this man was born about the year 356 BC, obviously way before Jesus Christ was born.

Um okay? What about it?

There are more documents on Jesus than Alexander the great, so if you can trust a source so small about Alexander, then imagine how much you can trust the Bible and it's outside sources about Jesus Christ?

This is why I made this as the first chapter of this book, because I want every reader here to trust that the words of the Bible is faithful and true. It is authentic and reliable. It's honest and exposes the dark and light of humanity. Since this book is about the Bible and it's facts, I must address the reason why the Bible can be trusted. You may not trust the Bible scientifically, but you can trust it historically, and this is what this book is all about!

That sounds cool and all, but how can I trust something that contradicts each other?

I think you're talking about the 4 gospel accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. One says this happened and the other says that, contradicting each other. When the titanic sank, many survivors said that the ship split in two, while some disagreed and believed that it just sank (In truth, the titanic have actually broke in half) Now, do you conclude that the survivors who said that the titanic did not broke in two are lying?


You answered right. In the world of investigation, if all 5 witnesses tells the same exact story in detail (without any difference) it's suspicion. But just because witnesses tells different things, does not mean that the event never happened. Those contradictions are a good thing and proves all the more that the events and accounts of Jesus are true!

So.. does that mean God is real?

Slow down there, if you feel like you have to do your own research on this, go ahead and do so, but if you already feel confident enough to trust the bible historically at this point, then go on to the next part!

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