Noah and the Ark

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Hello there! Today I'll be sharing some fun facts about Noah and the Ark, hope you enjoy it:)

Alright, tell me about it

Do you know that scientists have said that the flood event may have "possibly" happened? Now this doesn't mean they accept the flood event, and it also doesn't mean they reject it either, but concluded that it may have "possibly" happened. So anyone can say that the flood may or may not have happened, but no one has the right to say that it never happened, or else that would be disagreeing with science - on which they stand on for reason. It's always best to look into it and then decide for yourself if it happened or not.

Like for example; there's been a claim that the Ark of Noah was found in Turkey. It has the same exact length, width, height and size that the bible described, as well as the material that the Ark was built out of. They have found many man made construction and pieces inside the Ark, confirming that someone have made it.

The Ark

I recommend looking into Noah and the Ark found for more info

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I recommend looking into Noah and the Ark found for more info. This is all that I can apply here.

Okay, but why did God flood the earth? Isn't he loving?

Good question!
Let's take a look at what the Bible and find out why God did such a thing.

Genesis 6:5-6; then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the Lord was sorry that He made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart  (NKJV)

This means that the earth was filled with violence, and every human did awful things against God. Now God said He regretted making man kind because that's how bad sin is to God, so He said it as an expression of how terribly we have offended God. So badly, that instead of feeling only anger, he felt grieved. It's like losing a child kind of grief. God in his nature is good, which means he can't let sin go unpunished, so he flooded the whole world to kill everyone off. The wicked people in that time weren't going to change because God saw that man's heart was going to be evil continually, as stated in the scripture. BUT - not everyone was killed.

God gave them a chance to live, so he chose Noah to build an ark, saving him and his family. Noah have warned people of the flood, and many have laughed and thought it was funny and... sadly, the same thing is happening today.

Christians are constantly warning people of the end times, and those who are going to perish in hell. Not just the end times, but the coming judgement that's coming on every single soul when their life here ends. If an individual don't accept Christ as Lord and savior, they will face the flood of eternal judgement, this means Jesus is the Ark that everyone should aboard on. So the Noah and the Ark event is symbolic, and has a meaning that should speak to everyone, and I hope today's fact spoke to you.

If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then please, give Jesus Christ a chance in your life like I have (there's a testimony i wrote here called my testimony of how I came to Christ if interested in reading it) then you will have peace that surpasses all understanding and have a promise of a sure salvation. Repent and trust Jesus, believe that he died and rose on the third day defeating death and sin for you. Confess that he's Lord and savior and start getting into his word daily and obey it. God bless :) 🤍

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