The Big Bang

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Hello! For today's fact, we'll be covering on the big bang and the beginning of everything. I'll start this off by first blowing a hole in evolution, so if you're a fellow atheist here, I want you to use your brilliant brain to think about what I'm about to share.

Long ago, at the time when Charles Darwin was alive, scientists thought that a single cell organism had no information inside, they didn't think it was possible. But years later, scientists have discovered that a cell does have a lot of information inside of it, having it's own different parts.

What does that have to do with anything?

Pay attention carefully; scientists have learned that if any part of the cell is missing in the inside, the cell itself will all break down, and when that happens, there is no way for it to fix itself, and would remain dead. And what have Evolution taught us? It clearly taught us that organisms have built themselves up over time, so how is that possible if it can't build itself up without it's missing parts?

You must know this basic logic; No one can build a house without beams, and no one can drive a car without an engine.

As a Christian, it's logical for me to believe in the process called "adaptation", meaning an animal's process of change by which an organism or species becomes better suited to its environment, which remains the same kind. This is known as Biogenesis, which means to making new living things. More specifically, it is the theory that living things can only come from other living things through reproduction. While Abiogenesis; sometimes called spontaneous generation, means life coming from non-living things. For christians, it's illogical for life to come from no life. Something needs to exist already if there is going to be a next generation of living creatures.

Take the chicken and the egg argument for example; scientists have already ended the debate by confirming that the chicken came first and not the egg. This is because the egg needs to have a shell, which cannot be made on its own, nor warm itself to develop on its own without the care it needs from it's parents. This can be said with a dinosaur.

In the Bible, the word "species" didn't exist. The bible uses the word "kinds" instead to refer to speices. In the world of science, using the word "kinds" to refer to living things isn't allowed - for some odd reason. Take a dog and a wolf; two different species but the same kind of animal; a canine. Or a cat and a tiger; two different species but the same kind of animal; a feline.

Now that I'm done with that, I must say that I know that believing in evolution means it gives yourself a free ticket to sin all you want. Do you know what you're doing right there? That's suppressing the truth in unrighteousness as stated in Romans, which makes God's word stand true.

Romans 1:19-20; they know the truth about God because he has made it obvious to them. For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse (NIV)

So that means if I know the truth, but deny it and come up with another excuse, then that's when I'm suppressing it? Harsh..

God judges the minds and intentions of the heart. All the secrets you have will all be revealed on the day of judgement, and he will know the reason why you have doubted Him and why you would come up with different excuses and accusations, including why you keep pushing Him away. What are you going to do when you stand before God? "Oh Lord! Please spare me, I didn't know!"?

You have listened, you have heard.

You had the time to read this, and have learned today. NOW the choice is up to you, and if you don't choose wisely, then you had your chance. The chance to give God a chance to reveal his love, grace, mercy and forgiveness towards you. Therefore you have no excuse and your condemnation will be just. So if you're reading this, it's being recorded as testimony against you for the day of judgement.

In conclusion, even if there was a big bang, (including the beginning of the process of life), there still need to be a creator for it to make it come together and make it happen. This video will explain what I mean, and may you think about what you have learned here.

I'd skip the video around 1:20.

Have a swell day :)

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